Spirit of Medjugorje
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VOL. 20, NO 4 Published Monthly April 5, 2007
Current Monthly Message of
March 25, 2007
"Dear children! I desire to thank you from my heart for your Lenten renunciations. I desire to inspire you to continue to live fasting with an open heart. By fasting and renunciation, little children, you will be stronger in faith. In God you will find true peace through daily prayer. I am with you and I am not tired. I desire to take you all with me to Heaven, therefore, decide daily for holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call." |
The statue of
the Risen Jesus above is in St. Francis Garden at Mother’s
Village in Medjugorje.
Our Lady has
told us numerous times to “Go into nature because there you will
meet God the Creator!” Fr. Slavko Barbaric took that message to
heart when he turned what used to be a dumping ground adjacent
to Mother’s Village, the orphanage he founded in Medjugorje,
into a place of rest and prayer called St. Francis Garden. In
the spirit of St. Francis, this garden is a little spiritual
destination for pilgrims to find moments of peace and quiet in
nature. Amidst the foliage and little waterfalls, are playground
areas for the children and even ponies.
Any visit to Medjugorje makes clear
the importance of the sacramental
life in Mary’s plan for peace. The
village itself has its center in St.
James Church. And the church,
besides the evening Rosary and
Marian visits, has a constant
schedule of Masses and a constant
stream of pilgrims using the
sacrament of Reconciliation.
The visionaries have said often
that the Mass is the most important
part of the day. Mary has told them
if they ever have to choose between
a Mass and a visit from Her, the
Mass should come first.
The message is not only for the
people of Medjugorje and those who
visit there, but it is for the whole
world. Those who visit are to carry
the message.
That means we need to bring alive
again the importance of regular
Confession. Mirjana said in a
recent interview that there is not a
person on earth who doesn’t need
Confession at least once a month.
And that means further, if we
believe the validity of Mary’s
message, that we ought to review our
response to Mary’s request. That’s
self discipline and fasting; that’s
daily Rosary; that’s a deepening
life of inner prayer; that’s respect
for the sacraments; that’s using the
sacraments knowing that every one of
them is a visit with Jesus, the
That’s not an option. It is the
use of a great gift for which we
will answer God someday.
Editor’s note: Msgr. Peterson was
away working on his latest book, so
we used this reprint from our June,
2000 issue. This one will also be in
our next book, The Best of “The
Spirit of Medjugorje,” Volume II.
Up Close and Personal
By June Klins
Every day I pray in our Adoration
chapel for the healing of those who
are praying with the Medjugorje
prayer cloths we have been
distributing. On Valentine’s Day, as
I was praying, it came to me that
the reason for the surge in healings
with the prayer cloths is that Jesus
wants to touch us not only
spiritually, but also PHYSICALLY. He
wants to “reach out and touch us.”
He wants to be “up close and
personal” with us. He wants to kiss
us. He wants to be our Valentine.
Through the human tears that stream
from the Risen Jesus statue in
Medjugorje and onto a prayer cloth,
the cloths become a means for Jesus
to touch us. But it does not stop
The cloths are just a stepping
stone – a means to an end - to the
real union Jesus wants to have with
us – in the highest form in this
life - Holy Communion. For those who
have received a healing or have felt
peace while praying with the cloth,
how much more peace and healing can
be received by taking Jesus, the God
of the Universe and Divine
Physician, right into our bodies!
Our Lady tells us to make the
Eucharist the center of our life.
She encourages us to go to Holy Mass
as much as we can, every day if
possible. She tells us that it if we
live Her messages we will not even
feel the passage from death to new
life, that it is possible to live
Heaven right here on earth. What
more can we ask for?
Editor’s note: If you would like to
borrow one of our original prayer
cloths from Medjugorje, or receive
one we made to keep for yourself or
others, see p. 8 for details. A few
of the recent blessings for people
who have prayed with the cloths: A
man who had what doctors called a
malignant mass on his lung ended up
having just a cyst. When it was
removed the doctors said it would
not begin to heal for 5 days, but it
began to heal the very first day! A
woman with multiple health problems
and whose heart was only 17%
functional had 6 cardiac v-fib
arithmia attacks in one day. The
doctors at the Cleveland Clinic said
she should not have survived one,
much less 6 attacks. A child who had
a processing disorder and could not
read is now reading. Several people
who said they had trouble sleeping
report that they have no problem
sleeping now. There are so many,
many more, but my favorites are the
lady and her mother-in-law who
reconciled after not speaking for 16
years, and the father and son who
returned to the sacraments. Praise
the Lord for all the blessings!
time I would like to ask you to pray for prisoners. I
recently visited a jail for the first time. A friend did
something wrong and had a car accident. Thank God that
no one was hurt. This was a small county jail, but the
conditions were appalling - a metal slab for a bed, no
blanket or pillow. He was there from 1:00 P.M. until
11:00 P.M. No supper. I’ve been told real prisons are
worse. Please pray to Our Lady for all prisoners. Pray
that they will be treated with compassion, that they are
visited. “When I was in prison you visited me.” And that
they do not become discouraged, but remain hopeful.
Jesus, the Innocent One, was in prison on Holy Thursday
night. Pray to Him for prisoners.
Mirjana and translator Miki Musa
Mirjana to the Youth:
Our Lady Counts on You!
The following is from Mirjana’s talk at the 2006
Youth Festival:
“It is a great honor for me to be here with you
young people. I want so much to find the right words
to tell you how much our Blessed Mother loves you!
On the 2nd of each month I receive Our Lady’s
apparition and I pray with Her for nonbelievers; or
as She calls them: those who haven’t yet known God’s
love. She asks us, especially from you young people
who are the future of the world, to especially pray
for these people, because it is due to their
unbelief, or ignorance, that there are so many
negative events in the world. Our Lady asks us to
love them, and not to judge them; She asks us only
to pray, and give them the example. When we pray for
them, we pray for ourselves, for our own future and
that of our children.
Many pilgrims here at Medjugorje think we
visionaries are privileged and that God listens more
readily to our prayer. This couldn’t be more false!
Our Blessed Mother does not prefer some children
over others. We are all Her children, and each of us
has different missions: we visionaries to give the
messages, you, chosen as Our Lady’s apostles, to
take these messages to the world. This is what Our
Lady told me in Her message of January 2, 2006:
“Dear Children, I have called you. Open your hearts;
allow me to enter, so I can make you my apostles.”
So we all have the same importance for our Mother.
As I look at you all, my heart is filled with joy. I
see flags from Croatia, Italy, Austria, Slovakia… it
is so wonderful, but I think we are all gathered
here under one flag: the flag of our Blessed Mother.
We come to Her, bringing our weaknesses, sadness,
and desires; our gratitude.
Let me tell you about an experience of mine. One day
I was going up Mt. Krizevac; you know it’s not an
easy climb. In front there was a small group of
Italians; six of these were carrying up a disabled
person on a stretcher. I was behind them, and I
noticed how happy they were. A while later a group
of Americans arrived, and without many words (all
they said was “change!”) they took this young
Italian on their shoulders and continued carrying
him up. A little later, a group of Germans arrived,
and without many words, they took this young man on
their own shoulders and continued to carry him up.
So that young man was carried up Mt. Krizevac by the
hands of people from all over the world! It is this
that our Mother desires of us, for our hands to be
united hands.”
of Medjugorje, #189
Birthday Message
The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily
apparitions from June 24th, 1981 to
December 25th, 1982. During the last
daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret,
and told her that She would appear to her once a
year, on the 18th of March. It has been this way
through the years. This year several thousand
pilgrims gathered to pray the Rosary at the Cenacolo
Community in Medjugorje. The apparition lasted from
2:07 P.M. to 2:12 P.M. and Our Lady gave the
following message:
Storm Prayer
By June Klins
Once on our way back from the Medjugorje Conference
at Notre Dame we ran into a terrible storm. We were
surprised that it did not quiet down after praying
this prayer as it usually does. The next day we
found out that we had been surrounded by tornadoes,
but we had been protected! It can even be used in
the winter to drive away snowstorms. Our apologies
to our readers in Western New York that several
times it ended up in your area! Next winter you will
have to pray this prayer too, and drive the storms
out into the lake!
"Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in peace. God
became Man, and the Word was made flesh. Christ was
born of a Virgin. Christ suffered. Christ was
crucified. Christ died. Christ rose from the dead.
Christ ascended into Heaven. Christ conquers. Christ
reigns. Christ orders. May Christ protect us from
all storms and lightning. Christ went through their
midst in peace, and the Word was made flesh. Christ
is with us with Mary. Flee you enemy spirits because
the Lion of the Generation of Judah, the Root David,
has won. Holy God! Holy Powerful God! Holy Immortal
God! Have mercy on us. Amen!"
Statue from the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, MA
Divine Mercy – Two for the Price of One!
June Klins
Divine Mercy Sunday is on April 15 this year. Jesus
told St. Faustina, “The soul that will go to
Confession and receive Holy Communion (on Divine
Mercy Sunday) shall obtain complete forgiveness of
sins and punishment.”
Last year I was wondering how the plenary indulgence
granted by Pope John Paul II for Divine Mercy Sunday
is different from the "extraordinary graces" that
Jesus told St. Faustina about. So I went to the
Divine Mercy website and found a booklet people can
download that explains it. It is called
"Understanding Divine Mercy Sunday"
What is interesting is that on Divine Mercy Sunday
we can not only get the extraordinary graces for
ourselves, but we can also get a plenary indulgence
for someone in Purgatory! Pope John Paul II said
that praying for the souls in Purgatory is one of
the highest acts of supernatural charity, so this is
certainly a work of Mercy! Wow! We get two for
the price of one! Here is an excerpt from the
Indulgences available to the Faithful for Mercy
Sunday Devotions
June 29, 2002, in a decree of the Apostolic
Penitentiary, the Holy Father Pope John Paul II
granted a plenary and a partial indulgence to the
devout observance of the Second Sunday of Easter,
"Divine Mercy Sunday." The decree offers: a plenary
indulgence, granted under the usual conditions
(sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion and
prayer for the intentions of Supreme Pontiff) to the
faithful who, on the Second Sunday of Easter or
Divine Mercy Sunday, in any church or chapel, in a
spirit that is completely detached from the
affection for a sin, even a venial sin, take part in
the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine
Mercy, or who, in the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle,
recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout
prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. “Merciful
Jesus, I trust in you!"); a partial indulgence,
granted to the faithful who, at least with a
contrite heart, pray to the merciful Lord Jesus a
legitimately approved invocation. For those who
cannot go to Church, especially the seriously ill,
there were special, compassionate provisions for the
obtaining of these indulgences…
“It is important to note that the Church's provision
of these indulgences for Mercy Sunday devotions does
not constitute either a substitute for, nor an
official endorsement of, the extraordinary graces
promised by our Lord to St. Faustina for those who
receive Holy Communion with trust in God's mercy on
that day… the complete renewal of baptismal grace
promised by our Lord to St. Faustina – the
"extraordinary grace" par excellence of Divine Mercy
Sunday - is something even greater than a plenary
indulgence. This new plenary indulgence offered by
the Church is therefore an opportunity to receive
additional graces on this extraordinary feast day!
“ Ideally, the faithful would seek to obtain the
plenary indulgence on this day for the sake of souls
suffering in Purgatory, even while, at one and the
same time, they are receiving for themselves the
"extraordinary grace" of Holy Communion on Divine
Mercy Sunday, in accordance with our Lord's promises
to St. Faustina. What a tremendous opportunity this
is to receive a special outpouring of God's mercy,
both upon oneself and for others, all on the same
day! “
Last year someone who is not Catholic asked me how
non-Catholics could participate in the graces of
Divine Mercy Sunday. I wanted an "official” answer,
so I wrote a letter to Fr. Donald Calloway, M.I.C.,
and told him I would like to publish his reply
because we have a number of non-Catholic
subscribers. Here is what he wrote back to me:
Editor’s note: If you would like to invite a
friend or family member to take advantage of this
awesome gift from Heaven, we have available a free
Divine Mercy invitation card which you can print
out, fold and give to someone. We thank Father
William A. Rice, of
Fryburg, PA, who designed the card for us. To get
the Divine Mercy card, email June at and please put “Divine
Mercy card” in the subject line.
Mirjana’s Message on March 2, 2007
"Today I will speak to you about what you have
forgotten: Dear children, my name is Love. That I
am among you for so much of your time is love,
because the Great Love sends me. I am asking the
same of you. I am asking for love in your family. I
am asking that you recognize love in your brother.
Only in this way, through love, will you see the
face of the Greatest Love. May fasting and prayer
be your guiding star. Open your hearts to love,
namely salvation. Thank you"
"Miracle" picture of Pope John Paul's tomb.
Subscriber Annmarie Wright was taking a picture of her
friend and this is what came out.
A Journey
from Darkness to Light
Virginia Hogue
In the spring of 2005, after many years of praying
to return to the once deep devotion I had for God,
the Holy Spirit came over me with a powerful force.
He set my heart on fire with love for Jesus and His
Blessed Mother.
I began reading books about Mary’s apparitions and
Her messages at Medjugorje -the very same words
Jesus taught us over two thousand years ago while on
earth. The Blessed Mother introduced Herself to the
six visionaries as the Queen of Peace. She told the
children through the power of prayer and fasting all
wars could be stopped and peace would reign among
Although I had read many books about Medjugorje,
none of these pertained to recent events. In the
back of a particular book there contained a list of
current news publications on Medjugorje. There were
so many listed, I didn’t know which one to choose.
I decided to close my eyes and at random I placed my
finger on one of the noted publications. Jesus
blessed me by directing my finger to “The Spirit of
Medjugorje” newsletter.
I contacted the editor, June Klins, to subscribe to
the publication. As we talked on the phone that
evening, June informed me that Ivan Dragicevic, one
of the visionaries, would be in Ohio in less than
three weeks. Because Ivan is still having daily
apparitions of the Blessed Mother, I knew I wanted
to be there for Mary’s appearance to him.
My son, Jerry, and I flew from Oklahoma on a sunny
spring day and arrived in Cleveland in the middle of
a blizzard. The people in Ohio told us this was
unseasonable weather for late April. Once again
Satan was wreaking havoc for the pilgrims that had
come to honor the Blessed Mother.
At the apparition, Ivan shared with the faithful a
story about a previous apparition in which Mary was
accompanied by Pope John Paul II shortly after the
Pontiff’s death. He went on to tell us that Our
Lady embraced the Pope, then said to Ivan, “My son
has come home.”
After returning home from the celestial event, with
the help of the Queen of Peace, a Medjugorje prayer
group was started at St. Monica’s Catholic Church.
There were five original members. Now we have 25
members and we’re growing.
One afternoon at prayer group we were discussing
conversion. One of the gentlemen in the group
wanted to share the story of his conversion. Mike
told us that he was a cradle Catholic and that he
attended Catholic schools. Mike went on to explain
that as an adult he stopped worshipping at the
Catholic Church and joined another denomination. He
stated that his conversion began as he was watching
the funeral of Pope John Paul II. Several
days after the solemn funeral rite, Mike was driving
past St. Monica’s when he felt compelled to go
inside and pray. Later in the week he was drawn to
a Catholic book store. While in the store he
purchased a rosary. Mike now spends much of his
free time in church in prayer at the adoration of
the Holy Eucharist, including praying the daily
Rosary. He believes his devotion to the Holy Rosary
is responsible for the many blessings he has since
received. Just as the passion of Jesus redeemed the
world, so did the Pope’s suffering and death touch
his heart.
While Mike was sharing his story of conversion, a
young woman held her hand up. Sarah couldn’t wait
to tell her experience. She explained that she was
originally from another country - a country where
few people knew about God, and where even fewer
attended church. Sarah told us that she always felt
emptiness in her life. She tried to fill the
emptiness with worldly pleasures, but nothing she
did made her feel complete.
After she witnessed the Pope’s funeral, she knew she
had to learn more about the Catholic faith. One day
she decided to visit St. Monica’s Church. Sarah
told us that from the moment she stepped into the
church she knew she was home. The empty hole she
had in her heart was now filled with her love for
God and His Church. She gives the Pope credit for
her conversion.
Mike commented that he believed there were many
stories of conversion which were generated by the
outpouring of love for the Pope during the time
before and after his passing. He added that many of
these stories are yet untold and maybe unrealized,
but will come to light with the sharing of similar
The moment Mike made these statements, a light went
on in my head. I personally had not made the
connection with the Pope’s sacrifices of love and my
deep conversion until Mike and Sarah spoke of their
journey from darkness to light.
Because of Pope John Paul II, I know of at least
three souls in the Medjugorje prayer group at St.
Monica’s Church who are the beneficiaries of the
Pope’s courage, suffering and his love for Christ
and the Blessed Mother.
Nothing is impossible with God!
Editor’s note: Virginia is from Edmond, OK.
Ivan's Schedule
April 21 6:00
P.M.-9:00 P.M.
The Church of
12060 Kinsman
Road, Newbury, OHIO 44065
Saint Ambrose
Catholic Church
For our subscribers in the Erie area: A bus trip is
being planned to see Ivan (and be present for Our
Lady's apparition) on April 21, in Newbury, Ohio.
For more details call Dean Rose at 814-868-8690.
Communion Hosts on the outside altar n Medjugorje
My Gift in Medjugorje
Teresa Parker
One of my greatest gifts from the Holy Spirit in
Medjugorje was to be ‘denied’ my Lord Jesus in Holy
Communion; and the yearning to receive my Lord came
from the depths of my soul. This is a story of the
mercy of God shown to me during Holy Mass at St.
James Church, Medjugorje, Saturday, June 3, 2006.
My friend Bonnie and I had found a small piece of
floor to sit on for Holy Mass, near the front of the
first pew in the church. A nun and another older
woman in wheel chairs were to our right. It was time
for the priests to come down from the altar to
distribute Holy Communion to the many hundreds of
people in the church and outside. Bonnie and I
helped the women in the wheel chairs to have easier
access to the first priest who left the altar. Both
of them received Jesus. Then more priests came to
the floor of the church, flowing in their beautiful
white robes with stoles from various countries. A
priest came and started to distribute Holy Communion
to the people on the right of Bonnie and myself.
Others came and gave Holy Communion to the people to
the left of us. All this time Bonnie and I were
still anticipating receiving Jesus, but no priest
came to where we were standing… It was as if they
did not see us at all!
Suddenly, a priest came down from the altar and
walked directly towards us. I rotated my position
slightly and moved Bonnie gently in front of me,
moving my body behind hers so that she would receive
Jesus first…which she then did. I stood right behind
her, praying. Then, unbelievably, the priest
suddenly made an abrupt turn, and left to go outside
to distribute Holy Communion to the hundreds of
faithful waiting on the side of the church, leaving
me standing alone, without receiving Our Lord. All
around me, everyone was kneeling in prayer, having
already received Our Lord. I was the only person who
had not.
I will never forget the experience of what happened
next in my soul. My heart was broken and I felt
completely and utterly lost. I felt more abandoned
than at any time in my life. I cannot explain the
depth of sadness that filled my heart. I felt like
my heart was torn out, that I was left as empty as a
tomb. And the feeling of such great sadness…such
great emptiness…and complete abandonment about my
relationship to and with Jesus Christ. I stood
there, and I felt so utterly alone, so lost and
forsaken. I cannot fully express the depths of
despair I felt. Bonnie later said that she could see
all of these emotions resonate on my face and over
my entire body. I started to cry deep, deep
sorrowful tears in my soul. The tears were running
down my face. My heart was aching to receive my Lord
as I have never known before. The feeling of
abandonment was overwhelming. I never felt so
utterly alone in all my life. I remember having one
thought…’That this is what Purgatory feels like - to
be so in love with Jesus, and yet to be denied union
with Him, He who is your Heart and Soul, your
Eternal Love.’
In absolute desperation, I responded to my inner
thirst, my soulful desire for Jesus; and then I
heard Bonnie’s soft encouragement, “Go to the center
isle and a priest will see you.” I was crying deep
in my soul; my face and my clothes were wet with
tears, I remember feeling like I didn’t exist at
I moved slowly to the center aisle, and after what
seemed like an eternity…a journey I will never
forget, I caught the eye of a priest coming back
towards the altar with the chalice. I motioned
through my tears to the priest, with my hands folded
upwards; I motioned by touching my lips with my
hand, that I was humbly asking to receive my Lord
Jesus in Holy Communion. I said softly, pleadingly,
“Please Father.”
I don’t remember walking back through the throngs of
people kneeling in reverence as I made my way back
to my little place on the floor beside Bonnie. I do
remember kneeling down. The next thing that I
remember was a voice that spoke clear and deep to my
heart. The voice was that of my Lord. Jesus said to
me with a solidness of voice that was unmistakably
my Lord and my God, “You see my child, without Me,
you are nothing. But with Me, you have Everything!”
And now I felt I had been given life—clear and
distinct—ALL LIFE! The gift of all life in a moment
- the moment I received my Lord Jesus Christ. I had
felt dead inside. And now I was ALIVE! My heart was
so full, so complete in the presence of my Lord!
My feelings of my unimportance, my insignificance,
my smallness, my complete dependence on Jesus was
the most humbling loss of myself I have ever
Thank you Jesus, My Lord. I understand I am nothing
and You are everything. Let me never forget this
“When you have received Him, stir up your heart to
do Him homage; speak to Him about your spiritual
life, gazing upon Him in your soul where He is
present for your happiness; welcome Him as warmly as
possible, and behave outwardly in such a way that
your actions may give proof to all of His Presence."
~ St. Francis de Sales
Editor’s note: Teresa is from Baraboo, WI.
Crucifix on Apparition Hill
saw the Lord Jesus nailed to the cross. When He had
hung on it for a while, I saw a multitude of souls
crucified like Him. Then I saw a second multitude of
souls, and a third. The second multitude were not
nailed to [their] crosses, but were holding them
firmly in their hands. The third were neither nailed
to [their] crosses nor holding them firmly in their
hands, but were dragging [their] crosses behind them
and were discontent. Jesus then said to me, Do you
see these souls? Those who are like Me in the pain
and contempt they suffer will be like Me also in
glory. And those who resemble Me less in pain and
contempt will also bear less resemblance to Me in
glory.” (St. Faustina’s Diary, # 446)
Mass on the outside altar in Medjugorje
Why the Mass ?
Fr. Albert Shamon
Christ becomes present at Mass to enable the church
(1) to offer highest worship to the Father and (2)
to change us into loving persons and (3) through us,
to change our world into a community of love…
The Mass celebrates four presences of Christ:
General, Verbal, Real, and Cosmic. (cp.,
Constitution on the Liturgy, #7). That is why the
symphony of the Mass has four movements.
General Presence
The first movement is the Introductory Rites – a
call to worship the Father (“We gather together to
sing the Lord’s praises.”). Now Christ promised to
be where two or more are gathered together in His
name. The Introductory Rites celebrate this
presence of Christ. It is a General Presence
like that of a loved one in the mind of a lover.
Because of His presence, we feel our unworthiness
and beg forgiveness for our sins. (the Penitential
Verbal Presence
The second movement is the Liturgy of the Word. God
the Father speaks to us in the Old Testament
readings; God the Son, in the Gospel; and God the
Holy Spirit in the homily.
Here Our Lord is not present just in our hearts, but
verbally present – He speaks to us. “When we read,
God speaks to us!” Thus we conclude the readings
with “This is the word of the Lord” - not the
word about the Lord. The Liturgy of the Word
celebrates this Verbal Presence.
Real Presence
The third or core movement of the Mass is the
Liturgy of the Eucharist. This part of the Mass is
modeled after the Last Supper. There Jesus did 3
things: (1) He took bread (our Preparation of the
Gifts); (2) He gave thanks (our Eucharistic Prayer);
and (3) He said, “Take and eat” (our Communion
Rite). At this point of the Mass, we celebrate the
best presence of Christ: His Real Presence in
our midst.
Cosmic Presence
The fourth and last movement of the Mass is the
Concluding Rite. The Mass always ends with the
imperative “Go.” Having come to Christ at Mass,
having been enriched with the Bread of Life (His
Word), and the Living Bread (His Body and Blood), we
are bid to “go forth among the people” and make Him
present in the circle in which we move by personal
witness. This is the Cosmic Presence of
In a word, the Mass is a real encounter with Christ.
He is present in every possible way….
At Mass we banquet with Christ – we meet Him and
commune with Him. However to build a true
relationship of friendship with Him, we must have
countless encounters with Him – go to many, many
Masses. Our Lady at Medjugorje recommended that we
go to Mass daily, if possible! Daily Mass
has changed the lives of the people of Medjugorje
and their villages. It can do the same for us and
our communities. Try it and see!
Excerpt from Our Lady Says: Let Holy Mass Be Your
Stephen (r.) and friend Robert with the new copier
Mother Mary is Talking – Is Anybody
By Stephen Sematico
On behalf of the Medjugorje Center, and all the
people of Uganda, I take this opportunity to thank
all of you who read the article in the January issue
of “The Spirit of Medjugorje,” and felt prompted to
help us start up a Medjugorje Center in Uganda to
spread the messages of Mother Mary to all Ugandans.
May the good Lord bless you so much.
I would like to thank both the “The Spirit of
Medjugorje” and the spiritual director for the
Medjugorje Center of Uganda, Father Peter Bakka,
who have worked so tirelessly to see that the people
of Uganda who cannot afford to go Medjugorje can
also live according to the messages of Our Lady. The
Medjugorje Center is going to serve all age groups
in Uganda.
Every third week of the month we spend a night at
the Queen of Peace Shrine here in Uganda, praising
the good Lord. We made a list of all your names,
and we present the names to Mother Mary praying for
you all the time. Our theme is “Mother Mary is
Talking – Is Anybody Listening?”
I end by thanking all of you for the fatherly and
motherly heart that you have for the people of
Praise be the name of Jesus and Mother Mary. May She
cover you in Her mantle. GOD BLESS YOU SO MUCH!
Editor’s note: Thanks to many of our generous
subscribers, a copy machine has been purchased for
the center.
anyone else feels prompted to donate rosaries,
Bibles, or money to help them purchase a computer
and other supplies for the center, please contact us
at one of the contact numbers on the front cover.
thank Marge Lee, Ginny Akhoury, Mary Baylie, and
Lauren Cagesso for making us more prayer cloths.
borrow an original prayer cloth from Medjugorje for
a week send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the
address below. You MUST include your phone number.
To obtain a prayer cloth we made to keep, send a
self-addressed stamped envelope with postage of $.52
on it. The prayer cloths are free. To express
thanksgiving, we suggest that you pray a Rosary for
Our Lady's intentions.
The Spirit of Medjugorje
P.O. Box 6614
Erie, PA 16512
You can contact Brother Craig through his
community's website
"Dear children!
I come to you as a Mother with gifts. I come with
love and mercy. Dear children, mine is a big heart.
In it, I desire all of your hearts, purified by
fasting and prayer. I desire that, through love, our
hearts may triumph together. I desire that through
that triumph you may see the real Truth, the real
Way and the real Life. I desire that you may see my
Son. Thank you."
Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious
articles. Again She emphasized that it is only Her
Motherly blessing and She asked for daily prayers
for those whom She said "my Son has chosen and
blessed." Mirjana clarified that she thought Our
Lady was referring to priests.
Our Lady says by prayer and fasting we can change
the course of nature. Since we are entering the
storm season, one of our readers suggested that we
print the following “Storm Prayer” from the “Pieta”
prayer book. It is a very powerful prayer. We have
to apologize to the weathermen who have looked
foolish several times after predicting a huge storm
that never happened because of this prayer.
"In response
to your question, only 'official' thing that I could
find regarding how non-Catholics may participate in
the graces of Divine Mercy Sunday comes from the
webpage that my community has done specifically on
Divine Mercy. It is Here is what the answer
is for this question:
“Non-Catholics may participate in the celebration of
Divine Mercy Sunday by making a Spiritual Communion,
with great trust, since it is by the degree of trust
that we receive graces. Although Our Lord did not
reveal to St. Faustina the extent to which the
extraordinary graces of this feast day are available
to non-Catholics, it is theologically certain that
anyone who is seeking Him with a sincere heart will
be richly blessed on that day: ‘No one who comes to
Me shall every be hungry, no one who believes in Me
shall ever thirst.’ ‘No one who comes will I ever
reject.’(Jn 6:35-37)"
April 22 5:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, OHIO 44212