The Spirit of Medjugorje Online
                                                                P.O. BOX 6614, ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16512

                                        EDITOR: JUNE KLINS    EDITOR EMERITUS: JOAN WIESZCZYK



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VOL. 22, NO 12    Published Monthly     December 5, 2009


Current Monthly Message of November 25, 2009



Dear children! In this time of grace I call you all to renew prayer in your families. Prepare yourselves with joy for the coming of Jesus. Little children, may your hearts be pure and pleasing, so that love and warmth may flow through you into every heart that is far from His love. Little children, be my extended hands, hands of love for all those who have become lost, who have no more faith and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



"Best of Spirit of Medjugorje" Volume One and Two             


A story about the special crucifix above is  included  in this issue. Also,  in this issue, we have suggested many practical ways to honor the Baby Jesus on His birthday. We hope you will take advantage of one or more of them this Advent. "Dear children! I am calling you to prepare yourselves for Christmas by means of penance, prayer and works of charity. Dear children, do not look toward material things, because then you will not be able to experience Christmas. Thank you for having responded to my call." (12/5/85) May all of our readers and their families have a very blessed Christmas.


Could that be a Host on Tom Rutkoski's leg?

 “I Took You to Bethlehem…”

By Thomas Rutkoski

    At the age of 16, I walked away from my Catholic faith. As a non-practicing Catholic for over twenty-five years, I lived life for myself. My life was very materialistic and laced with enough sin to guarantee me a place in hell, if I continued that course.  This story, in short, tells of how Jesus and Mary brought me to conversion.

   I am a professional photo-journalist. In September of 1982, I left with a crew from KDKA TV NEWS for Beirut, Lebanon, to follow the tour of Senator Arlen Specter. Our mission was twofold; first to do a story on war-torn Beirut, then to obtain an interview with Manachem Begin in Jerusalem. I, with my colleagues, persevered, and we were successful on both counts.

   The night of the Beirut interview, we all went out and celebrated, before heading back to the United States. A strange thing occurred. I was sitting at the dinner table, and about halfway through my meal, a man came up to me on my left. He said, “Excuse me, how have you liked Jerusalem?” Being a little reluctant about speaking to strangers, I simply replied, “Fine.”  I went back to eating. The man persisted. “Is there anything you would have liked to have seen that you have not seen?”  Offhandedly I responded, “Yeah, Bethlehem, Christmas and all that.” “I have a car outside. Come, I will take you there,” he replied.

   Why I left with that man, I don’t know, but I did. He took me to Bethlehem.  We drove through a gate, he stopped the car and I got out. I was only in Bethlehem for a moment. A strong emotion immediately overwhelmed me. My eyes swelled, and I started to cry. He got out of the car and asked me if everything was all right. I said yes. He told me to get in and he would take me back to the hotel. He dropped me off, and the next day I left for home.

   In October of 1985, my Uncle Stanley, a very good friend of mine, and I, decided to take a trip to Europe that included traveling through France. What was not on the itinerary was a stop we made at a shrine to the Blessed Mother called Lourdes. Again, a strange set of circumstances led us there. Although at the time, I didn’t connect it with Bethlehem, the same phenomena occurred. For no apparent reason, tears started rolling down my face, and I got a very powerful feeling in my flesh. This feeling came as I was making fun of Lourdes and its miraculous water and cures. Did this change my life? No, unfortunately it did not.

   In 1986, the thirst for overseas travel struck again. Two of my friends joined my wife and me for our vacation through several European countries. After two weeks, our friends returned home. My wife and I continued to Madrid, Spain, and up into France. While traveling to Lisbon, Portugal, for our departure to the U.S., another strange set of circumstances caused a deviation in our planned route. This time, we happened upon a shrine to the Blessed Mother called Fatima. The same scenario occurred as at Lourdes. While looking at a statue of the Blessed Mother, I said, “Hi there. It’s me again.”  Immediately, tears started to roll down my face. I got the same feeling as I did in Lourdes and Bethlehem, but I was, for the third time, to leave a very holy place unchanged.

   In August of 1987, my Uncle Stanley visited my home with a small newspaper that reported the apparitions of the Blessed Mother to six children in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. The non-religious atmosphere in which I lived, led me to poke fun at the article, but the story did give me a bizarre idea. If I could convince my employer, KDKA TV, to buy into the story about Medjugorje, I would get a trip overseas. Their response was negative. Being persistent, I initiated an effort to find a connection linking Pittsburgh to Medjugorje. I wanted to generate some interest at KDKA. In my search, I found a man by the name of Pat Geinzer. Pat was quitting his job as a radiologist at Mercy Hospital and going into the priesthood. [ He has since been ordained as a member of the Passionists.]  I contacted Pat.  After listening to his amazing story, I left with a book he gave me called, The Queen of Peace Visits Medjugorje.

   Not being much of a reader, because one of my many physical problems is dyslexia, I carried the book around for quite a while, not reading it.  While sitting on my boat at the Fox Chapel Yacht Club, one of my favorite former pastimes, I found myself very much alone, and there was the book, lying on the seat beside me. I picked the book up, and my usual problems with reading didn’t bother me. I soon found myself immersed in reading about Mary’s apparitions in Medjugorje. It was in the third chapter of this book that the course was charted for the remaining years of my life. A voice spoke to me

and said, “Thomas, I took you to Bethlehem; I took you to Lourdes; I took you to Fatima. Can’t you understand that this is real?”

   There was no need for further communication from the Lord; I knew it was Jesus. That profound revelation took me from my boat to the closest Catholic Church in a matter of moments. I found the pastor and made my first confession in twenty-five years.

   Between that visit to the priest and my first trip to Medjugorje in September of 1987, I truly came to believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was appearing there. I would learn just how real Her presence was on that first trip. I experienced many miracles on my first pilgrimage. The miracle of the sun was amazing, but it paled in comparison to my apparition of the Blessed Mother.  I was praying the Rosary behind St. James Church when I glanced at the cross [on Mt. Krizevac]. I was moved to tears again. One would think that would be as good as it gets, but the grand finale occurred Thursday of that week. My traveling companion, Uncle Stanley, badgered me into going to St. James Church for a healing service. Although I rejected the idea of the healing service itself, I went, and I was cured of rheumatoid arthritis. One minute the pain of the disease was destroying me, and the next, it was gone! [ Also, my dyslexia was taken away; a wart on my right hand disappeared, and my hemorrhoids disappered!]

   The impact of all this led me to return home and find a local travel agent to book a pilgrimage space for Medjugorje. It was my intent to fulfill a promise I made to the Lord: “I will bring a hundred people here just to say thank you for what You’re doing for me.”  I returned to Medjugorje the following year with 101 pilgrims that the Lord put in my care. I said to the Lord, “If You want someone to lead people here from the heart, rather than the pocketbook, I might consider it.”  When you give your life to Christ and live the messages of Medjugorje, you have to be careful what you say to the Lord, because He might take you seriously…and He did.

   In 1990, I founded a Catholic, nonprofit foundation dedicated to evangelization and humanitarian efforts, called Gospa Missions. [Gospa is Croatian  for  “Our Lady.”]  Although I had decided that I was not going to tell one person that God spoke to me, it was the Lord who drew it from me. He placed me in a situation that forced the words from my mouth. This caused much religious activity in my life, and I began speaking in churches all over the country and in Canada. In April of 1991, I quit my job at KDKA TV to devote my life to Jesus and Mary.

   The Lord spoke to me in August of 1987, and has never stopped speaking to me since. He transformed me from a very self-centered , materialistic individual to one who daily attends Mass and prays fifteen decades of the Rosary. I also fast twice a week as Mary asks. I deliver to the world the same message that my Mother in Medjugorje is delivering: “I come to tell the world that God exists.” How could I have been such a fool for twenty-five years is beyond my comprehension.  Now I am trying to do all that I can to convince everyone I meet that prayer works, if you pray out of love from your heart.

Editor’s note: The above story was taken with permission from the Fall, 1995 issue of “The Queen of Peace” newspaper.


Statue inside Amazing Grace store

Gospa Missions Today

By June Klins

   Gospa Missions  was founded by Tom Rutkoski in 1990. Since then, it has grown to include retreats, conferences, prison ministry, healing ministry, speaking engagements, publishing, humanitarian efforts, as well as pilgrimages.

   I always find the Gospa Missions conferences to be very motivating. Tom has brought, among others, such inspirational speakers as Fr. Donald Calloway, David Parkes, Char Vance, Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy, and most recently ,Fr. Mitch Pacwa. I always get that “spiritual shot in the arm” we all need once in a while!    

   One can also get a “spiritual booster” from Tom’s excellent monthly newsletter or from one of the four books he has authored:.Apostles of the Last Days, Miracles and How to Work Them, Great Divide and My Scriptural Rosary. These books, as well as other religious books and items can be purchased at Gospa Missions’ religious store, called “Amazing Grace,” in Evans City, PA.  The profits help fund the charitable work done through Gospa Missions.

    I was blessed to be in the store at noon one time, when Tom led everyone there in the prayer of the Angelus. Wow!  That was awesome! The store also has a replica of the statue of Our Lady of Tihaljina, and a basket near the statue, where prayer petitions can be left. They also have an online store that can be accessed through their website,

   Although Tom has no idea why, God has chosen him as an instrument of healing. At one conference, a little boy gave his powerful testimony of being healed of blindness. I, personally, know two other people who have been healed of severe physical problems after having been prayed over by Tom.

   In June of 1999, my son and I traveled to Medjugorje with Gospa Missions. On that pilgrimage, Tom took us to two churches that Gospa  Missions had helped to restore after extensive damage had been done in the war. I was moved to tears as we witnessed the damage done in Mostar by the war. I remember Tom’s words well –  that if the people there had listened to the Mother of God, and heeded Her messages, this would not have happened. It was a powerful lesson I will never forget. 

   The work Tom has done over the years with orphans in Nigeria and India led him to found another non-profit organization called “Abode for Children.”  On my 1999 pilgrimage, one of the pilgrims suggested a sponsorship program for the orphans, whereby a person would send a monthly donation to sponsor a particular orphan. Thanks to the Internet, a person can now choose, online, which orphan he or she would like to sponsor.  One small action that anyone with Internet access can do to help the orphans, is to use the search engine:   Every search done on there raises money for the orphans!

   Gospa Missions also does charitable work on the home-front. The mission raises vegetables on the Rutkoski farm and stores them until distribution in an underground facility that the mission constructed. This ecumenical project aids area food pantries.  

   For the past few years Tom has been battling terminal cancer, and it is really a miracle that he is still alive. Apparently God still has more work for him to do. But at his conference I attended in early November, he explained that he has recently been going through a new experimental treatment, and if this does not work, they are out of options. Please keep Tom and Gospa Missions in your prayers.



God Provides and His Timing is Perfect

By June Klins

   For years I had been wanting to use Tom Rutkoski’s story in our newsletter. Tom’s story is chronicled in his book, Apostles of the Last Days, but how do you condense a whole book into two pages???  I had asked Tom for a short version, but apparently he did not remember about writing it back in 1995. I did not relish the thought of condensing his book into a two page story, but as time went on, I felt prompted to do so.  I carried the book around with me for about two months, but never got to it.

   In mid-October, I got some time one Saturday evening and decided to work on it.  I had gone to confession earlier that day and I have found that usually after confession -  because I have a clean slate -  the Holy Spirit can work through me, and usually everything flows. Well, that night I kept getting distracted with other things, and just could not get motivated. Before I knew it, it was bedtime.

  As I began to get ready for bed, I spied a bag of old “Queen of Peace” newspapers my friend had given me the night before, and since I really was not that tired,  I decided to scan through them for a bit. In the second paper I looked at - lo and behold -  there was Tom’s story!!!!!  I hit the jackpot!  What are the odds of that?????






   It frightens me that so many Catholics and Christians have lost the meaning and seriousness of the Incarnation. In the buying spree that is “normal” for Americans before Christmas, the satisfying of selfishness is a catering to all kinds of material splendor.

   St. Bernard’s brothers and sisters were appalled at his giving up a nobleman’s life to follow Christ in vows. Strangely for Bernard, the biggest help he had to fight off the luxuries at his fingertips was that Mary came to him one Christmas Eve and let him take the Christ-child in his arms.

   We need to think anew that the Child is God-become-man. He wants to be loved. He wants the return gift of anyone who believes. We need to wonder: What does it mean to my values and my way of life that the infinite God has come to me in the Child Jesus?

  We need to prepare a place for Christ in our lives. When we accept Him, we’ll never be the same..




Pope John Paul II (1999)


The Pope Prayed for Our Lady to Come to Earth...

   In a recent question-and-answer session with English-speaking pilgrims at Medjugorje (October 3), the visionary Mirjana revealed that the late Pope John Paul II had prayed to the Blessed Virgin, asking Her to come on earth once more to assist him against the threat of communism. Two months later, She appeared in Medjugorje!

   This was revealed in a response given by the visionary Mirjana to a question, asking if she ,or any of the other visionaries, had ever met with the Holy Father. 

   “I was in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican with all the other pilgrims. I was with an Italian priest. The Pope (John Paul II) was walking by, and he was blessing. He blessed me and just passed by. The priest with me said, ‘Holy Father, this is Mirjana from Medjugorje,’ and he came back and blessed me again. Then he left. And I said to priest, ’Most likely he thought  I just need a double blessing!’

   “In the afternoon, we received a note to go to Castel Gondolfo, close to Rome, the next day. And myself and the Pope were alone together, and among other things, he said to me, ‘I know everything, I have been following everything. Ask pilgrims to pray for my intentions. Take care of Medjugorje, because Medjugorje is the hope for the entire world.’

   “A priest told me that, from the very beginning, the Pope was very fond of Medjugorje, because two months before the apparitions in Medjugorje started, he was praying to Our Lady to come again on earth. He said, ‘I cannot do it all alone because Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc., are all communist. I cannot do it on my own. I need you.’  And later he heard that in Yugoslavia, a communist country, in a little village (Medjugorje), Our Lady appeared and he said, ‘That is the response to my prayers.’ ”

                                                                                                                                             The Medjugorje Message





Mirjana’s Message, November 2, 2009 
"Dear children, Also today I am among you to point you to the way that will help you to come to know God's love, the love of God Who permitted you to call Him Father and to perceive Him as Father. I ask of you to sincerely look into your hearts and to see how much you love Him. Is He the last to be loved? Surrounded by material goods, how many times have you betrayed, denied and forgotten Him? My children, do not deceive yourselves with wordly goods. Think of your soul because it is more important than the body, cleanse it. Invoke the Father, He is waiting for you. Come back to Him. I am with you because He, in His mercy, sends me. Thank you."





Sacred Scripture  


   I think, and of course I could be wrong, that certain Bible passages are especially important for a certain time in history - that is, in response to a society’s specific ills. These days we seem to need the verse: “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). So many people are not still. Some admit that the fast pace causes them not to be able to slow down, even on Sunday. One suspects that it is not so much a great deal that needs to be done, but a frantic rush that is not easy to slow down. Not easy, but possible. There are many reasons to slow down. All we do will be done better. But most importantly, we need to not only slow down, but be still to know God. To really know Him. Please make time (time is not found: it is made) to be still several times each day. Time for prayer. Time for knowing God.

Brother Craig can be contacted at



The Cross and the Family

By Richard Reilly

   After visiting Medjugorje in September, 1995, I came home feeling that Our Lady and Our Lord were asking me to do something. I did not feel the same as before, and was filled with much peace. I felt drawn to start a prayer group, and eventually this happened.

   Almost from the first prayer meeting, as I would be praying, an image would come to me. I would picture Our Lady at the foot of the big cross behind the altar in our church. She was kneeling, facing the cross. It was so wonderful, as She stayed until the Rosary was over. One evening, as we were all praying the Rosary, Our Lady did not show up alone. The scene changed to the Holy Family. Yes, there was the Nativity scene, directly below the cross of Our Lord. I had never seen this image before, with the birth of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother and Joseph in the Nativity scene below the crucified Lord together.

   As this beautiful and unknowing presentation was given to me other times, I started to think there was more to this, and that there must be a picture or story or scene somewhere that this represents. I started to ask around and looked at as many books as I could. When there was an art showing on various TV stations and on EWTN, I did not find a picture that resembled this scene.

   In September of 1996, I again was called to Medjugorje. Although it turned out to be as unbelievable as the first time, with many blessings, I found no information there that would bring to mind any help on this scene that Our Lady and Our Lord let me see and remember. No one that I could find had ever seen or heard of the image I described.

   In September of 2000, I went to Medjugorje with a friend of mine. While shopping in the religious stores there, we went to a store called “Charly’s”. The owner’s real name is Joseph, although many people call him “Charly”. We had gone to Charly’s store a couple of times to look around, so it was nothing for us to drop by and say hello. Toward the end of our pilgrimage, we went to Charly’s again, and my friend purchased a nice amount of merchandise, so Joseph went to find him a little thank you gift. After he found just what he was looking for, Joseph turned towards me and said, “This is for you,” and handed me an 8” porcelain crucifix. The crucifix had the nativity scene of Jesus, Mary and Joseph below the crucifix, with God the Father holding up the arms of Our Lord on the cross, with the Holy Spirit above. What a surprise!

To this day, I have not seen another one or anything like it.  After my return, I had the crucifix professionally photographed and cards made up for distribution. On the back of the cards it says:

The Cross and the Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph

   The Holy Family had personal and family crosses. But they placed their trust and faith in God, that God would bring the greatest good from the crosses. Pick up your cross. Follow and trust in God to see the good from your crosses. The Cross of Jesus brought the opening of the gates of Heaven, forgiveness of original sin, and a place in eternity with God, but you must carry your cross and live the Word of God. Work and pray to rid the world of abortion and contraception; to restore the dignity of life from conception to God’s time for death; for the forgiveness and love for all members of Christ’s family and yours, so all can live in peace. Pray for the healing and unity of all families. May Christ have mercy and bless our families.

   An image of the cross was received by someone praying the Rosary at St. Martin’s Roman Catholic Church, and the cross you see was given in Medjugorje to that same person. He was led to believe that the cross and the family go together for salvation. What matters is not what crosses we receive, but how we carry them and offer them to God. If we offer them to God, they become lighter, and if we fight them, they will become harder to bear. When we place our trust in Christ, we come closer to Him and His mercy. Jesus, I trust in You!


Editor’s note: Richard is from Decatur, IN. You can contact him at, but he asks that you put the word ”cross” in the subject line. Thanks to Bob List



Charly's store in Medjugorje



Christmas and Fasting

   This year, Christmas falls on a Friday, one of the days Our Lady has asked us to fast on bread and water. People have questioned whether we should fast or not on Christmas, and so I went to the archives of the Medjugorje internet prayer group (the internet arm of Ivan’s prayer group) to find the answer. Here is what leader Ana Shawl wrote:  “Here is something that I received from Vicka's family regarding that. I wrote to the family and this is what they told me their tradition has been, and what they have been doing since the apparitions in Medjugorje:  ‘We usually fast on the day before, if there is a Holy Day that falls on a Wednesday or Friday. That means that on Christmas Eve we will fast. For the Celebration of Christ’s birth, we don't fast, and we have a big dinner together with the family with some great food, different meats and sarma (meat rolled in cabbage leaves). I think everyone will be doing it this way in the entire village of Medjugorje. Vicka and everyone does this since this has been our tradition.’ "



Adoration in St. James in Medjugorje


O Come, Let Us Adore Him!

By Dawn Curazzato

   On a quiet starry night in Bethlehem, over 2000 years ago, the Christ Child was born. His Mother Mary gazed into His eyes, becoming the first Adorer! The Savior of the world was laid in a manger.  The shepherds watched. Three kings would pay homage.  How do we pay homage to the Christ Child in our time? During this busy, chaotic time of gift giving, holiday parties, and Christmas cookies, how can we escape the fast pace to find the real reason for the season?

   Perhaps one of the best places to escape is the Adoration Chapel, where we can adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and find the peace we need to meditate on the awesome gift of His birth. A parishioner who has a regular

2 AM committed hour explained how unique it is to sit before Jesus at that hour, when most of us are asleep. She shared that as a child growing up in Germany, she used to go to church twice a week at 5 AM during Advent, carrying candles. This made the season special to her.  As she gazes upon the Eucharist in Adoration, with deep humility and awe, she feels like a shepherd on that first Christmas morning!  Let us look at some of the gifts our adorers receive through Adoration:

·         Adoration has brought me closer to Jesus. It brings me peace in this crazy, fast-paced world.

·         Being in Adoration has brought untold, unexplainable inner peace in my soul, since the passing of my young husband.  Being in the presence of Jesus is so comforting.

·         Being in Jesus’ presence is the best part of my day and my week! No matter how stressed out or anxious I am, He gives me peace of body, mind and soul.

·         Adoration has given me peace beyond my understanding. After 14 months in Iraq, my son has returned home, and someone told me that my commitment to Adoration has been his shield.

·         I can ultimately accept the sorrows, crosses, challenges and disappointments so much better, always trusting in Him. Adoration makes me strive for the desire to do God’s will each day.

  After interviewing parishioners who were in Adoration the wee hours of Christmas one year, the consensus was, “Adoration on Christmas is the same as it is on any given day - it is ALWAYS special.” Every day is Christmas Day in Adoration!

   Editor’s note: Dawn is from Williamsville, NY. She is the author of Memoirs of a Miracle.  If you would like the pdf of "The Spirit of Adoration"  issue #1, go to,.  For issue #2, email June  at and put "Adoration pdf"  in the Sunbject line..




During the Midnight Mass (Pasterka or Shepherd's Mass), I saw the Child Jesus in the Host, and my spirit was immersed in Him. Although He was a tiny Child, His majesty penetrated my soul. “ ~ St. Fausina’s Diary (182)




Youth Festival 2009



Mary TV

By Denis Nolan

   Eighteen years ago, the Blessed Mother warned in a message from Medjugorje: “…now as never before Satan wants to show the world his shameful face by which he wants to seduce as many people as possible onto the way of death and sin. Therefore, dear children, help my Immaculate Heart to triumph in this sinful world.  I beseech all of you to offer prayers and sacrifices for my intentions…” (9/25/91).

   MaryTV’s television station in Medjugorje could be one of Her intentions!  Ten years ago, during an apparition in Medjugorje, Our Lady told Vicka that our plan to build a TV station was good; we should be patient, getting ready slowly – little by little – She Herself would tell us when to begin!  That time may be close!  Vicka told me recently she prays every day for MaryTV’s plan to be realized! 

   Can there be any doubt the world today is witnessing Satan’s shameful face?  We’ve got to get Our Lady’s beautiful face – and Her presence with us in Medjugorje – out to the world!  “God has chosen each one of you in order to use you in His great plan for the salvation of mankind,” (1/25/87). “I beg you, help me!” (6/25/87).  ‘I invite each one of you to help my plan to be realized.” (4/25/94). “I am calling you to be my apostles!” (3/18/2000). “I need you! I am calling you! I need your help! (12/2/04). “Do you not recognize the signs of the times?” (4/2/06).  “You are all important in this great plan which God leads through Medjugorje.  God desires to convert the entire world and call it to salvation.” (6/25/07). “I am with you and am leading you!” (8/25/09).

   As he lay dying, Cardinal Jaime Sin was offering his prayers and sacrifices for the success of Mary TV’s television project in Medjugorje.  A cardinal close to the Holy Father writes that he is praying every day to John Paul II that through his intercession we get the money to finish construction – and when the building is finished, the Cardinal Primate of America has said he’s going to Medjugorje to consecrate it to Our Lady!

   Note MaryTV’s building above, overlooking the 2009 Youth Festival. The visionaries were forbidden to speak  on church property – they could have addressed the Festival from our  building!  The builder tells me construction could be completed in six months – if we had the funds to continue.   Pray that we are ready when Our Lady says to begin!

 Editor’s note: Denis is from South Bend, IN. If you want to help with this endeavor, go to his website,




Our Lady Needs Us

By June Klins

   It has been a challenging time since I had surgery on my hand for a broken finger, and have been forced to do everything one-handed. I never realized how much I need my left hand until I lost the use of it. Some very minor tasks have become quite burdensome, and there are some things I cannot do at all now.

   Pondering upon this, an image came to me. Our Lady is like my right hand. She is the dominant one. If we, like my left hand, are "wrapped up" in ourselves and our problems, and not helping Our Lady, it makes it hard on Her. She tells us that She needs us for Her peace plan. "But I need your prayers and your - 'Yes' "(2/25/92).

  The very day this analogy came to me, a priest sent me his testimony, and in it, he wrote: "And Mary said that She cannot do anything without us."

   She needs all of us, imperfections and all. Will you please help Her?




Statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, "The Immaculate Conception" in St. James



 The Immaculate Conception

By Fr. Neil Buchlein 

     Today (Dec. 8), we have stopped in the beginning of our short Advent journey to give thanks and praise to God for Mary's wonderful example. During this busy time, we may feel "stretched" to get so many things done, or to live up to someone's expectations of us. Actually, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is about Mary being conceived

without sin, and not the announcement of Her being the Mother of God, as we read in our Gospel. God certainly had a plan. Why would He use a corrupt or broken vessel to bring His Son into the world? When you served your family and guests on Thanksgiving, did you bring out your finest china or use plates, platters, and bowls which were cracked or chipped? That is how we are in the sight of God. He made sure that the vessel that He chose would be "holy and blameless" in His sight.

   Unfortunately, there are no Scriptures regarding Mary’s being conceived without sin. Rather, we see once again Her availability and responsibility to say "Yes" to God. Mary was a poor teenager between the ages of 13 and 16. She has an angel of the Lord appear to Her with a great message and She is afraid at first. I would be too, if a heavenly being were standing in my house speaking to me and saying that I am "favored" or "chosen by God". We don't know how much time passed, but She did let go of Her fear and did trust. How many times have we said, "No" to God throughout each day? We saw in our first reading that Adam said, "Yes", but it was a "Yes" for himself, not God. He saw that he could profit from his action even though it was not in his best interest.

   This feast gives us the opportunity to stop and to reflect on how often we do not say "Yes" to God because it does not fit our plan. Look at the 25 years of messages from Our Lady and Her intercession on our behalf. If we were saying "Yes" to God, She would not have to keep coming back each month and reemphasize what we must do. Once again, we are not doing all that we can when it comes to living the messages. We are looking at them as if we are in a cafeteria line. "I think, I'll have this and that, but not that!" Our "Yes" to God is often tainted by our narrowmindedness and selfishness. We do not totally avail ourselves to our God. Perhaps this is something that we can work on in the last two weeks of Advent.

   As we continue our Advent journey, let us ask Our Lady to instill in us a determined "Yes" so that we can give our all to Our Lord.

Editor’s note: Fr. Neil is from Hurricane, WV. You can visit his new website at .



“Every virtue in your soul is a precious ornament which makes you dear to God and to man. But holy purity, the queen of virtues, the angelic virtue, is a jewel so precious that those who possess it become like the angels of God in Heaven, even though clothed in mortal flesh."  ~ St. John Bosco



Friends of the Suffering Souls

   The Friends of the Suffering Souls (FOSS) is a Catholic Lay Association conducting a perpetual novena of Masses for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory. This association was inspired by the 100 consecutive Masses offered for the Holy Souls by the Venerable Archdeacon Cavanagh, Parish Priest of Knock, prior to the appearance there of the Blessed Mother in 1879.

   There is ONLY ONE OBLIGATION incurred by becoming a Friend of the Suffering Souls. Each member has to organize on behalf of the association at least one Mass each year. This Mass has to be offered for:"ALL the souls in Purgatory, especially deceased members of FOSS."  Members can however organize as many Masses as they wish to add to the novena, but they must organize at least one. The usual time to have the Mass said is on the member’s birthday. The goal is to reach an average of 100 Masses for the holy souls each and every day of the year. At the time of this writing, the average number of Masses per day is 63. To join, go to What a great gift to give Baby Jesus!  Our Lord once told St. Gertrude that He is greatly satisfied when, through our prayers, a soul is released from Purgatory. It is as if we had released the Lord Himself from prison.   



Ivan’s Speaking Schedule


Dec. 18  – 6-9:30 PM St. Stephen’s Church, 251 Concord St., Framingham, MA 01701.
Contact: Hugh MacGuire, 508-653-2086  

Jan. 22   – 6-9:00 PM St. Jude Catholic Church, 204 N. US Highway One, Tequesta, FL 33469.

Contact :Noha 954-785-8899, Liz 561-746-7974,

Jan.  23  –  6-9:00 PM St. Nicholas Melkite Catholic Church, 5715 Lake Ida Rd., Delray Beach, FL 33484.
Contact: Noha 954-785-8899, Carmen 561-883-6656, 

Jan. 28  –  6-10:00 PM National Shrine of the Divine Mercy,  2 Prospect Hill Rd., Stockbridge, MA 01262. 

Contact: Receptionist 413-298-3931


Editor’s note: For updates to Ivan’s schedule, visit


Thanks to Bob List Photography of Warsaw, IN, for his picture of the cross.

Thank you to Barb Sirianni, Cindy Bielanin,  Agnes Trott, Joan Leysa, Dianne Yochim, Louise Lotze, Vilma  Smith, and Sally Dugan for help with the November mailing. Thank you to Mike Golovich  and Diana Stillwell for their photos.


If you would like a pdf of the paper copy we mail out so that you can print it to share with others, email June at and put "December pdf"  in the subject line.


The Spirit of Medjugorje
P.O. Box 6614
Erie, PA 16512