The Spirit of Medjugorje Online
                                                                P.O. BOX 6614, ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16512

                                        EDITOR: JUNE KLINS    EDITOR EMERITUS: JOAN WIESZCZYK



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VOL. 20, NO 7    Published Monthly     July 5, 2007


Current Monthly Message of June 25, 2007



"Dear children! Also today, with great joy in my heart, I call you to conversion. Little children, do not forget that you are all important in this great plan, which God leads through Medjugorje. God desires to convert the entire world and to call it to salvation and to the way towards Himself, who is the beginning and the end of every being. In a special way, little children, from the depth of my heart, I call you all to open yourselves to this great grace that God gives you through my presence here. I desire to thank each of you for the sacrifices and prayers. Thank you for having responded to my call."


"The Best of Spirit of Medjugorje" Volume I




The above picture hangs on the wall in the dining room at Number One pansion in Medjugorje.






So often in news programs in the United States we pray for the safety of our own troops. Occasionally, the announcer asks concern for all who have died by violence.

   Mary, has entrusted to all people Her plan to pray for peace in the world. If we listen to Her admonition that peace will come as an answer to prayer, every violent portrayal in television will be a challenge to you and me to be loyal to prayer.

   All the people on earth are our sisters and brothers. Jesus, when He was asked by His disciples to teach them how to pray, said, "When you pray, call God our Father." His creative power and His love are for every human being. Their desire to be like Christ led them to ask, "Teach us to pray, teach us peace."

   A peaceful end of the violence in Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan and the mid-east seems humanly impossible. That's because it is.

   With God, all things are possible. Mary has told us how by Her intercession, we have a role in healing the earth.

   Let us pray.



Fr. Stan Widomski



   Congratulations to subscriber Father Stan Widomski, who celebrates his 50th anniversary of the profession of his Franciscan vows on July 15. Father Stan is a missionary priest stationed in Japan. Actually if it were not for Fr. Stan, you might not be reading this newsletter every month.  Fr. Stan went to Medjugorje in the 1980’s and later shared a video about the apparitions with his cousin Joan Wieszczyk. After watching the video Joan knew it was true and made plans to go to Medjugorje. After her return she and two others founded “The Spirit of Medjugorje.” Joan edited it until her heart attack in 2002. So thank you, Father Stan, for responding to the call.


Message to Mirjana, June 2, 2007
 “Dear Children, also in this difficult time God's love sends me to you. My children, do not be afraid. I am with you. With complete trust give me your hearts that I may help you recognize the signs of the time in which you live. I will help you to come to know the love of my Son. I will triumph through you.”



On Prayer 



It is very important to trust in God. People find it easy to trust in God when things are going well. Some people find it hard to trust in God when they or a loved one is suffering. It might be sickness or financial problems. First one has to realize that everything that happens is not caused by God. "He lets nature take its course." (If God caused everything that happens, there would be no miracles which, by definition, are when God intervenes and does not let nature take its course.) St. Augustine taught that all suffering ultimately comes from living in a fallen world, from original sin. So when things are painful, never blame God. He will never abandon you even if you feel He has. As Tess said so many times in "Touched by an Angel" to people who were suffering, "God is right beside you crying with you." So pray (right now even if things are going well) that when life becomes very painful you will trust in God. Pray for that. Pray you will remember, after all, He is standing right beside you.
 You can contact Brother Craig at






Conversation with Ivanka Ivankovic Elez


Q: Is it hard for you to wait the whole year to see Our Lady again?

 A: Every day I am preparing myself for this moment, and now I could cry and laugh at the same time.


Q: What do you see when Our Lady comes?

A: Before Our Lady appears I see the light three times , then I see  the most beautiful  image of Our Lady and everything else disappears.


Q: Was anyone able to paint what you see?

A: None of the paintings come even close to the beauty and radiance of Our Lady.


Q : Can you tell us anything about secrets? Many people are afraid.

A : I can only say about the sign that will appear here in Medjugorje when the time comes. This sign will be for those who do not believe. Those who live according to the commandments of God have no reason to fear.


Q : There are so many people here for this Anniversary; does it bother you and others?

A : Our Lady is so glad when more people gather here to pray with Her and with us. The more prayers, the less evil in the world. This should make us all feel good.


Q : What would you like to say to people in USA?

A : Parents should teach their children about God and pray with them.

                                                                                                                          MIR Peace Letter, June, 2000



Ivanka’s Anniversary Message


   At Her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was that way also this year. The apparition lasted 17 minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her husband and her three children.
   After the apparition, the visionary Ivanka said: "Our Lady remained with me for 17 minutes. She was joyful and spoke to
me about Her life. Our Lady said: `Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.' "


Something Special is Happening Here


Msgr. Matthew George Malnar, Diocese of Amarillo, TX:

   I have visited many of the shrines of Our Lady in the world, but Medjugorje is somehow different. The experience of faith is so powerful here. For me, Medjugorje is a place of prayer, a place of reconciliation. As a priest, I also need to be renewed in faith and that is what I experience each time I come here. Medjugorje falls into a category of open questions; it is neither confirmed nor condemned. So I always say to people: Do not be holier than the Church. If the Church says that you can go there, you cannot say the opposite. You can come here. I have come and will come again, because I believe that something very special, something very important is happening here. I brought a group of pilgrims to Medjugorje and told them many times to be open to the Holy Spirit and to the inspirations that Our Lady is giving in order to experience stronger faith. "If you do not pray the Rosary daily," I told them, "maybe you will begin. If you have neglected confession, maybe you will discover the beauty of the sacrament of confession and penance. If you do not read the Holy Scriptures, if you do not fast, maybe you will feel the need. Therefore, when you come to Medjugorje, be open." I always emphasize, "Put away all that you have heard about Medjugorje - good or bad - and let Our Lady lead you. That is the only way to come to Medjugorje." I think that Medjugorje has a meaningful message for every person, but we need to open our hearts to hear it.

                                                                                                                                MIR Peace Letter, July 2003



The Blue Cross

Look to the Heavens


Christina Treadwell


   I was a lost soul who left the Church for a time due to the grumbling of an old priest.  Through my mom’s pleas and prayers, I slowly, yet reluctantly, returned to the Church.  During a car ride to Saint Vincent College for a healing Mass, I asked my mom if she had heard of a place called Med-ja-something.

   A short history lesson later I learned all about this quaint little village where the Blessed Mother was appearing.  I knew nothing of Medjugorje other than what I felt in my heart and knew that I had to get there somehow.  To make a long story short, I met Father Bill Kiel after the healing Mass and guess where he was going!  There were two seats left and I said, “My mom and I will take them.” 

   Getting there, however, was a different story.  First, my mom lost her passport a few weeks before we were to leave.  She rushed to get a replacement passport.  The new passport came in a week!

   Second, our group was supposed to leave only days after September 11th happened.  Because of the danger of travel, the trip was postponed until July. 

   Third, at that time I worked for a professional outdoor soccer team.  July was a difficult time to get away because of games and a youth soccer tournament we held at that time.  Not knowing what to do, I asked the Blessed Mother to help with the tournament sign-ups.  It was the largest tournament turnout during my tenure with the organization.  How was that for help!

   When we finally reached Medjugorje, what truly made this trip special, besides sharing it with my mom, were the feelings of hope and love that filled my whole being.  This was such an overwhelming feeling and it allowed me to open my heart to God. So many things happened to me in Medjugorje but I rarely share them.  Our Heavenly Mother lets me know when and with whom I should share my stories.

   When June asked me to write one of my experiences for the newsletter, I really prayed about it.  This experience is from my first trip to Medjugorje and it was on the day of the apparition with Ivan Dragicevic.  It was nearing dusk when everyone had gathered by the Blue Cross and began saying the Rosary.  I had my head bowed and my eyes closed.  We were on the third decade when I heard, “Look to the Heavens.”  So I did.  Nothing.  Then something. 

   I was not sure if I was really seeing them (yes, them) at first but there they were, fluttering around the sky above us, encircling to prepare the path for Our Lady to come.  I really questioned what I was seeing and yet, I was filled with an abundant amount of awe that kept my eyes fixated on the Heavens.  They were eyes with wings.  gs. 

   Soon after, the Gates of Heaven opened and armies of angels poured forth.  The Archangels were dressed in battle attire, ready to protect Our Lady from all evil.  They lead the armies of angels to each fluttering eye closing in the circle and creating a pathway for Our Lady.  The angels were too numerous to count.  All were in different attire and carrying different things.  It seemed as though God’s mercy kept emerging forward and that there would be no end to it. 

   And then in the clouds, I saw Our Lady.  Smiling a comforting smile that a mother gives to her child when they are sad, in trouble, asking for help.   “Is this a dream?” I kept asking myself.  “Is this a dream?  Why show this to me?  Why allow such a sinner to see such love come from Heaven arrayed in splendor?” 

   “Because love came to earth in my Son as I now come to you.  As a mother comes to a child, I come to you to bring you to my Son for He loves you very much.  His love is never ending, my child.”  With that, I saw nothing but white clouds and blue sky.  I once again bowed my head and continued to feel the presence of Our Lady until the end.

   Afterwards, I was so excited to share what I had seen with my mom.  She, of course, did not believe me, and I was still a little hesitant as to what I had seen.  When I told her about the winged eyes, she turned to me and asked  if I was sure I saw winged eyes.  I said yes and that no matter how they turned, it seemed that there were many tiny eyes that made up the eye itself. 

   Stunned, she shared with me a story. My parents had an icon made of the Archangels.  It took over two years to make, but it is beautiful.  When the gentleman who made the icon delivered it, he said that in all the years that he has been doing icons, he has met many interesting people.  He said that some of these individuals had seen the Archangels and no matter who was telling the story, the descriptions were all the same.  He found it amazing because each person who told him about the angels had no connection with the previous person. He also talked about the winged eyes that accompanied Archangels which was also something that was always mentioned. He thought that the way people talked about them that they would be considered the Seraphim . . . the ones closest to God. * 


   “In the center and around the throne, there were four living creatures covered with eyes in front and in back….The four living creatures, each of them with six wings, were covered with eyes inside and out. Day and night they do not stop exclaiming: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.’ " (Rev 4:6, 8)

   Even now, I sit here with tears in my eyes thankful for hearing Our Mother’s call, opening myself up to God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  I still hear the call to Medjugorje and am thankful that every time I am there to be able to refresh my faith and become closer to Our Mother and Jesus.

Editor’s note: Christina is from Clairton, PA.



Front of the medal


The St. Benedict Medal

By June Klins

   It was on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje that I first was introduced to the St. Benedict medal. A young lady on our pilgrimage insisted that my son, who was then 21 years old, needed all the protection he could get, in the spiritual battle that goes on for the souls of young men, especially those called to Medjugorje.

   Our Lady has told us a number of times to carry blessed objects with us. In 1982 She said to Mirjana, “This century is under the power of the devil…He is destroying marriages, creating division among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer…Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your house and restore the use of holy water.”

   I wanted to learn more about the St. Benedict medal, so I consulted the booklet, Our Lady Teaches About Sacramentals and Blessed Objects by Father Albert Shamon. Father said that St. Benedict (whose feast is July 11) often used the Sign of the Cross to ward off demons and protect himself from being poisoned.  Father wrote:

   “His medal has exceptional power against the demons of Hell and against physical evils. It also has great power in obtaining exceptional graces.

   “The front of the medal shows St. Benedict holding a cross in one hand and the book of his Rule in the other.  Flanking him on each side are the words: Crux S. Patris Benedicti (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict). Below his feet are the words: Ex S M Casino MDCCCLXXX  (From the Holy Mount of Cassino, 1880). On that date, Monte Cassino was given the exclusive right to produce this medal. Inscribed in the circle surrounding Benedict are the words: Ejus in obitu nostro presentia muniamur ( May his presence protect us in the hour of death).

   “The other side of the medal is where the real exorcistic force reveals itself.  In the center is the Cross. Benedict loved the Cross and often used it to drive away demons. The vertical beam of the Cross has five letters: C.S.S.M.L., meaning Crux sacra mihi lux (May the holy Cross be for me a light). The horizontal beam of the Cross also has five letters: N.D.S.M.D., meaning Non draco sit mihi dux  (May the dragon never be my guide).

   “The four large letters at the angles of the Cross C S P B stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti  (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict). Encircling the Cross in a circle around the right margin are these letters: V.R.S.N.S.M.V., meaning Vade retro Satana nunquam suade mihi vana  (Get behind me, Satan; never suggest vain thoughts to me). Around the left margin of the circle are these letters: S.M.Q.L.I.V.B., meaning Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas (The drinks you offer are evils; drink the poison yourself).

   “At the top of the circle is the word: PAX (Peace). 

   “This highly indulgenced medal can be worn around the neck or attached to one’s rosary, or simply carried in one’s pocket. One’s personal devotion, together with the powerful blessing and prayers of the Church, make it a formidable weapon against the evil spirits and a mighty help in keeping pure, in bringing about conversions and in guarding against contagious diseases.”

   Of course the medal should be blessed by a priest and if possible, one should have a Benedictan priest bless it with the special exorcism blessing. There are crucifixes of all sizes in Medjugorje that have a St. Benedict medal on them. After having a bad dream one night, I now sleep with a small St. Benedict Crucifix from Medjugorje. A friend suggested that I put St. Benedict medals in all my suitcases when I travel to protect my belongings, especially since we cannot lock our luggage any more. My luggage has never been lost since I put the medals in there.

   My friend also told me that she heard on EWTN that you should put on your “desktop” of your computer the St. Benedict blessing, saved in “Word” or some other similar format. I did this right away when I got a new computer almost 4 years ago. I have had no major problems since then.

   One must be sure, when using any sacramentals, to guard against superstition, that is, treating the sacramentals as if they have magical powers.  Fr. Shamon wrote, “The power of the sacramental comes from the prayers of the Church and the faith of the recipient. Blessing one’s throat on St. Blaise Day is no infallible guarantee against a sore throat. Sometimes an illness can be more beneficial to a person than the cure. However, the blessing will help, as God sees fit. The sacramentals are not magical charms; they are a calling upon God to act.”

Editor’s note: The St. Benedict blessing to be put on a computer desktop can be found below.



V. Our help is in the name of the Lord

R. Who made heaven and earth.

In the name of God the Father + Almighty, who made heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them, I exorcise these medals against the power and attacks of the evil one. May all who use these medals devoutly be blessed with health or soul and body. In the name of the Father + Almighty, of his Son + Jesus Christ our Lord, and of the Holy + Spirit the paraclete, and in the love of the same Lord Jesus Christ who will come on the last day to judge the living and the dead, and the world by fire. R. AMEN

Let us pray. Almighty God, the boundless source of all good things, we humbly, ask that, through the intercession of St. Benedict, you pour out your blessings + upon these medals. May those who use them devoutly and earnestly strive to perform good works, be blessed by you with health of soul and the help of your merciful love, resist the temptations of the evil one and strive to exercise true charity and justice toward all, so that one day they may appear sinless and holy in your sight. This we ask through Christ our Lord. R. AMEN


Fr. Petar

Fr. Petar Ljubicic Speaks About the Secrets


The following question was asked at the Panel Discussion at the Notre Dame Medjugorje Conference on 5/27/07:


Question: Do you have any thoughts about when the secrets will be revealed?

Fr. Petar: We are in the process of patiently waiting for when that’s going to take place. From the very beginning Our Lady was preparing Mirjana how she would reveal those secrets.  I was present several times on such discussions Our Lady had with Mirjana. I saw she was crying sometimes, and my question was, “Why are you crying?”  She said,  “I am crying because what She’s announcing that would take place - it’s no good, it’s very serious.”

   As I look into the situation in which the world is today, I have the feeling that this should take place very soon. The world cannot go on as it is, under the present condition. Something has to take place. Some intervention from Heaven has to take place. It appears as though everything is going towards perdition, but we know that for those that love, God works for good in all events, because God can even write in crooked lines the right way.

What I would like to emphasize is what is most important – that we should not look for the time when it would take place, but put emphasis on: Are we ready to face it when it does take place? He who lives the Gospel in accordance to expectations of the Gospel and Christ has nothing to fear.  When Jesus comes, such a person will be ready.

   We will know 10 days before it takes place what will take place. There will be like a parchment that I will receive from Mirjana. It will be about this size (showing), 8 by 10. All the secrets are written there – where it will take place, where, when and how will be written there. Then for the next seven days it will be time to fast and pray (both Mirjana and Fr. Petar). Three days before, it will be revealed to the world what will take place.  We must say that the first two secrets are involved with Medjugorje. They will be a warning of that which is to take place, because Our Lady did appear first in Medjugorje. And the parishioners of that parish of St. James are called to live those messages and to spread them as well.  Many will be surprised because they weren’t really taking into account what will take place. And the third secret will be on the Mount of Apparitions. There will be a visible sign. That sign will be a great joy for those who were in Medjugorje and who accepted these messages and have been living them.


Question: In your opinion, would you consider situations such as 911, Katrina, tsunami, the hurricanes, disasters, the present status of the war, that it is so widespread, would you link these directly to what Our Lady has been saying in Medjugorje with respect to the chastisements?

Fr. Petar: Yes, no matter what is taking place in nature and in the world there would be different opinions about it. But we Catholics have a different kind of opinion.  We have learned and know that God is our loving Father, that He loves us, as Our Lady would say. But then take an earthly father for example. He does whatever he can do so his children will be fulfilled and happy. But, you see, the children refuse, the children want to live their own lives.  They don’t listen to the wish of the father. For tsunami maybe we can say this: “This for me is God’s call to conversion because we were saved just a few seconds from total destruction of the area where we were.  Instead of celebrating with Holy Mass the birth of Jesus, we decided to go there and enjoy life. I did not go there to sin as many others did go there to sin. All during these future holy days I shall never go anywhere, but be home.  I will pray for those who do not know that, to be converted, but I will stay here.”

   I see some of these events as a warning of God that we would convert and that we would turn to God. I desire not to say that this is God’s punishment. I would say it is a caution, a warning by God to us.  God is saying, “Man, be ready.”  Make it well with God because tonight might be too late.  That’s what’s important for us.  Many are now prophesizing that many disasters will take place in the world, but let’s not speculate about that. What’s important is that we know where we are coming from, what we need to do, and where we are geared to go.  We come from God, for God and our neighbor we live, and then we go to God. So in that manner it is important when we will encounter our Maker, but how happy we will be when He comes to meet us and takes us to be with Him for all eternity. But it’s important to emphasize to our children: “You see, dear children, there are many who are losing their lives on the road. Tsunami comes, Katrina comes, and you’re gone. Therefore, make your life right in alignment with God NOW. Your mom and your dad desire to be in Heaven with you someday and that’s not a fairy tale. That’s the truth and a fact.” 

   Therefore, during your Mass, consecrate your children and your family to God. As the priest is consecrating bread, at that moment say, “I believe, God, You are here. Now I am dedicating my life, my children, my future, my family, my troubles, my sickness to You for Your glory.”  And therefore, I dare to say, you are helping Jesus so that He and His grace may save you and your family. 

   One family had a son who was a drunkard.  They were in Lourdes and Fatima. When they came to Medjugorje finally this is what they told me: the son had encountered a car accident because he was under the influence of alcohol.  He came to Medjugorje. He was converted. He had a call to become a priest, and he became a priest.  Two years ago he was ordained, and now he’s in Romania as a missionary.  This family said, “In a special way we were praying at the moment of Consecration and lifting him up and consecrating him to Jesus so that Jesus could make him holy.  Because of alcohol he was already shaken. You see what God can do!”

  Pray!  God is ready to act!



"O my God, even in the punishments You send down upon the earth I see the abyss of Your mercy, for by punishing us here on earth You free us from eternal punishment. Rejoice, all you creatures, for you are closer to God in His infinite mercy than a baby to its mother's heart. O God, You are compassion itself for the greatest sinners who sincerely repent. The greater the sinner, the greater his right to God's mercy." (423, Diary of St. Faustina)


Newsletter from Uganda


Miraculous Image!

By Mr. Francis Tebaasoboke

   In the year 2005, we organized a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in conjunction with Radio Maria Uganda Care-of - Fr. Peter Bakka, and the battle-cry for it was “ON TO MEDJUGORJE, ON TO MEDJUGORJE.”  As “Dove Tours and Travel Agency” we had organized numerous such pilgrimages for Ugandans to the Holy Land, to Rome, Lourdes, Assisi, Fatima, etc., but never before had people reported so many heavenly favors as when the pilgrims returned from Medjugorje. And spontaneously they soon organized themselves into a group which started meeting every month.  They started calling themselves Medjugorians and friends of Medjugorians. It was the first time that such a thing was happening.  Brother Musaazi reported cure from diabetes, and Agnes, a well-to-do lady working with UNICEF and driving her own Pajero car, resigned from her job soon after returning from Medjugorje and she joined the convent. Now she is already a sister of the "Intercessors of the Lamb". She is the first Ugandan in that Congregation. One lady by the name of Mary who wanted to bathe herself with the water in which she had overnight placed the statue of Our Lady from Medjugorje, found the container empty, with the image intact, the following day. When such happenings as reported above started pouring in from various corners, we the staff of Dove Tours and Travel could not but feel cheated for apparently being left out of such favors. In our prayers we explicitly asked Mary for a sign as a token of encouragement for our services to pilgrims, not only to Medjugorje but also to the Holy Land, to Rome and other holy places.

   After one week, I got some serious flu and this made me sneeze quite a lot. In the night as I lay in bed, I developed a strong urge to sneeze. I pulled out my handkerchief which I had already been using for that same purpose during the day. As I coughed and sneezed my fingers landed on something in the handkerchief that was a bit hard. This caught my attention. I groped in that darkness with my fingers trying to find out what it was. As I quickly touched the hard spot it was extremely smooth. This at once struck me at once as something extra-ordinary.

   I jumped out of bed to find out what it was in the handkerchief that was puzzlingly hard and at the same time very smooth. To my surprise it was the image of Our Lady in plastic, tightly stuck on­to my handkerchief. Immediately I woke my wife up and told her about what I had just experienced. We both admitted spontaneously that it was the sign from Our Lady which we had asked for. I was the only one from the family who had gone to Medjugorje and I was the only one from the Agency staff who had traveled that time. I could not remember ever having seen such an image of that size and make anywhere. Neither had the staff or the members of my family seen anything like it from the many articles I had brought back home from Medjugorje.

   The following day I showed the image to my staff who were quick to welcome it at once as the sign we had been waiting for from Mary. Now we keep it in the strong room but the many people who are coming to have a look at it are making us doubt whether we are keeping it in the right place. Thank you, Mary. I promise to be your angel all my life.

Editor’s note: Francis is the Managing Director of Dove Tours and Travel in Uganda. This story is from the second issue of the Ugandan newsletter “On to Medjugorje.” The Peace-Uganda Medjugorje Center has been able to send out many copies of its newsletters to the people of Uganda thanks to the generosity of the subscribers of “The Spirit of Medjugorje” who provided them with their copier and computer. If you would like to help the people in Uganda, please contact us. They will pray for you and their prayers are powerful!


We continue to update our website with testimonies about the Medjugorje prayer cloths. The cloths are blessed sacramentals and cannot be sold, but you can pray a Rosary for Our Lady’s intentions in thanksgiving. Thank you to Rhonda Schmidt for making us more cloths. Thank you also to Dean Rose and Wendy Ripple for their photos this month.



The Spirit of Medjugorje

P.O. Box 6614

Erie, PA 16512


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