Spirit of Medjugorje
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VOL. 21, NO 3 Published Monthly March 5, 2008
Current Monthly Message of
February 25, 2008
"Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you anew to prayer and renunciation. May your day be interwoven with little ardent prayers for all those who have not come to know God's love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” |
"Best of Spirit of Medjugorje" Volume One and Two
“In the cross He showed us how we are to bear suffering. In His resurrection He showed us what we are to hope for.” ~ St. Augustine
The Crucifix above replaced the cross outside St. James Church in Medjugorje where pilgrims light candles.
Maria House
By Joe Tarquinio
In Msgr. Peterson’s absence this month, I asked Joe Tarquinio, the administrator of Maria House Project, to explain a little about Father’s (he prefers to be called “Father”) ministry and to share a story.
Maria House Project (MHP) is a ministry, founded by Msgr. James Peterson, which provides group living in six houses for men recovering from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, long term imprisonment, homelessness and/or mental illness. MHP serves approximately 30-35 men per day for a minimum of 90 days providing them drug and alcohol treatment, individual and group counseling, education and housing.
All of the men are in recovery and most have been incarcerated which has caused them to be alienated by their family, friends and the community. MHP’s program provides the opportunity for spiritual growth in conjunction with AA & NA meetings, community living, work therapy, individual and group counseling, and an educational program to help the men in their recovery and eventual return to the community. The program promotes a sense of the resident community helping each other in their recovery.
On April 19th 2007, the men were returning to the Lodge (the orientation house) after the last session of “Life in the Spirit.” As they drove up the driveway, they noticed smoke coming from the office trailer adjacent the Lodge. One of the men ran to the trailer and told the others to get the fire extinguishers. As he broke the lock, the door swung open and knocked him to the ground. Smoke poured out of the door and flames escaped from the broken window. While some of the men used fire extinguishers on the outside of the trailer, one of the other men called the fire department and me. He said, “Joe, the trailer is on fire and I am afraid the Lodge is going to catch fire too. All of the men are outside and the fire company is on its way.”
As I drove to the Lodge, I envisioned the Lodge being burnt to the ground and MHP’s program being changed forever. When I drove up the driveway, I saw the fire trucks and firemen. The trailer was seriously damaged but the Lodge was not disturbed. The Fire Chief told me that the resident, who had been pushed to the ground, could have sustained serious injury or death had he inhaled the hot smoke. He also said we would have lost the Lodge if the fire department would have arrived five minutes later or if there would have been any kind of breeze. He remarked, “You guys are really lucky.” The next day, I told Father Peterson what the fireman had said. Father smiled and said, “We have always been under Mary’s protection.”
A week later a group of residents showed me pictures that one of the residents had taken during the fire. They wanted to see my reaction to the picture. It was obvious to me and many others that the color picture of the flame is the side view of Mary with her arms extended.
I guess I now realize why we call the program Maria House Project.
Editor’s note: You can contact Joe about Maria House Projects at
On Prayer
The Feast of Divine Mercy is the first Sunday after Easter. It may be prepared for by beginning the Novena of Divine Mercy on Good Friday. You may also recite the chaplet if you wish. Anyone who receives Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday, trusting in the Mercy of Jesus (and goes to Confession eight days before or after) receives not only the forgiveness of sins but the temporal punishment due to sin - what the Holy Souls suffer in Purgatory. All this was revealed by the Merciful Jesus to St. Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament. For more information about Divine Mercy Devotion, contact The Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Eden Hill, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 01263. Tel. 800-462-7426. or visit their web site at May all of you have a grace filled Divine Mercy Sunday.
You may contact Brother Craig by e-mailing him at .
If you would like to invite someone to take advantage of this awesome gift from Heaven, we have available a free Divine Mercy invitation card which you can print out, fold and give to someone. To get the Divine Mercy card, email June at
By June Klins
A number of months ago someone hurt me deeply. For a month I let it bother me. I was not angry at all, just deeply hurt. It kept gnawing at me and I just could not get this off my mind. When I went to confession and told the priest about this, he told me that we should not dwell on things like this because then we might miss the lesson God is trying to teach us through this situation. How true!
The next day after that confession, I went to a one day retreat, where there was sharing time. I always learn something from these sharing times. That day a lady mentioned that a priest had told her that it is a sin to be overly sensitive. She went on to explain that it is a sin of pride, because we are focusing on ourselves. This made perfect sense to me, because when we are too sensitive it makes us unhappy, and this is not from God. God wants us to be happy and at peace. In a Stations of the Cross book I have, written by Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy, the opening prayer says something that is so simple, yet so profound: “The key to all sanity (good mental health), the key to all good spiritual health (sanctity) is ACCEPTANCE.”
The following prayer was given to me as a penance years ago in confession. It was written by Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930),Secretary of State for Pope Saint Pius X. If you have the little blue “Pieta” book, you will recognize this prayer. It is a good prayer to pray every day. What a gem!
Litany of Humility
O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being loved...
From the desire of being extolled ...
From the desire of being honored ...
From the desire of being praised ...
From the desire of being preferred to others...
From the desire of being consulted ...
From the desire of being approved ...
From the fear of being humiliated ...
From the fear of being despised...
From the fear of suffering rebukes ...
From the fear of being calumniated ...
From the fear of being forgotten ...
From the fear of being ridiculed ...
From the fear of being wronged ...
From the fear of being suspected ...
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I ...
That, in the opinion of the world,
others may increase and I may decrease ...
That others may be chosen and I set aside ...
That others may be praised and I unnoticed ...
That others may be preferred to me in everything...
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should…
Drying Our Lady’s Tears
By Pat Nesbitt
I had a "miracle" after the December 2nd message, (the message in which Our Lady said Her heart was filled with pain and She did not thank us). I was addicted to the TV, and I decided to turn it off. I thank God that except for a glance here and there, I am still not watching TV. If I turn my head to see the Cardinals, Rams or Blues score, I turn away quickly. It totally makes me sick to think of watching again. But just as a reminder, I have run off an enlarged copy of the December 2nd message and I've taped it to the TV.
I've been trying to lose weight with no success. But in three weeks I have lost 4 pounds!!!! That is a miracle also. Ha! If I can't sit and watch TV and eat, I don't eat much. I still haven't figured out how do make my cord rosaries though. I was used to doing them in front of the TV. Maybe I'll just play my Medjugorje tapes instead. I hope I am helping to dry Our Lady’s tears.
Editor’s note: Pat is from Florissant, MO. If you too have a story about making a change in your life after reading any of Our Lady’s messages, please write and tell us if we may share it.
Fr. Petar
Fr. Petar Speaks
The following is an excerpt from a talk by Fr. Petar Ljubicic on 5/26/07 at the Notre Dame Medjugorje Conference. Fr. Petar is the priest chosen by Mirjana to announce the secrets when the time comes.
I can never forget one experience. One family from Germany has two sons and one daughter. But that was a family that lived in accordance with the faith and from faith. Their daughter was studying in Cologne, where recently the last youth gathering was. And she fell into the godless community. After Confirmation she forgot about God, about prayer, about everything, and that was very painful for the family.
Everything that they continued to do, to pray, to suffer, was in order that she would be converted and come back to God. They came to Medjugorje and they came the Saturday before Palm Sunday. And the mother said in front of the church to me, “We have, Fr. Petar, one daughter, but she has no relationship with God. What should we do? We thought that she was going to come with us during this Easter vacation, but she did not want to come. At the last minute she said no.”
I couldn’t have said anything else but this: “You are on very holy ground and therefore the only thing you can say is, ‘May God’s will be done for our daughter,’ and God, Who is powerful and omnipotent, through the intercession of the Queen of Peace, He will find a way for your daughter to be converted.”
The following day, the same place at the same time, there was a young lady standing in front of me, and she asked, “Do you know where my mother is?” “There are more than 5000 people here. How should I know where your mother is?” And then she explained where she said she was going to be. I sat in the car with her and there was no problem finding her mother. It was very late at night, and she said to me, “I really don’t know why I’m here. It’s as if somebody is bossing me around. I am afraid.” Well, I looked at her and said, “Praise God. The fact is, you are here and that’s what is important.” She looked at me and said, “I’m not a believer. I stopped believing in God. The apparitions of Mary, they’re nothing more than stories for children.” But then I said to her, “There is a Queen of Peace here and She is so powerful. She is a powerful intercessor.”
Holy Thursday arrived. After the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, in the Chapel of Apparitions there was Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There was a group of young Germans that came, and they were before the Blessed Sacrament singing “Sanctus” (Holy) from Schubert. But this girl desired to go home, but her mother said, “Out of love for me, remain in this chapel waiting for me, then we shall go home.”
She obeyed and a miracle took place. She said, “The minute I entered the chapel some kind of power just threw me down on my knees. I didn’t want to kneel, but I could not resist it. And so, as I was kneeling, I was looking at the ciborium that was covered, and here I see Jesus. I was not hallucinating. I truly saw the living Jesus. I heard His voice. ‘You are my beloved daughter,’ the voice said. ‘In this Blessed Sacrament I remain here tonight just for you. Today is Holy Thursday. It is a great day of God’s love. Believe and convert. I am giving you now the gift of prayer. Your brothers and your family are praying for you now. You are on holy ground.’” And then she said, “I couldn’t resist, but I started crying. Tears were coming down my cheeks like a river…I don’t deserve to hear and see the presence of Jesus.”
You see, brothers and sisters, only in the Catholic faith can you experience that. The faith in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament can do miraculous things. He remains in the Eucharist in order that He may be our path to Heaven and Eternity.
Then this young lady said, “I took the leap of faith and trusted Jesus.” And then her following prayer was, “ ‘Forgive me, O my Lord and Savior, for attempting to live without You.’ Then the following day, which was Good Friday, I spent all day long on Mt. Krizevac, the biggest mountain, where I just poured out my heart and cried. On Holy Saturday then I went to Confession. I shall never forget that Confession.”
For us Catholics the experience of Confession should be as a spiritual renewal and resurrection. “I know,” she said, “Now that with every serious sin, in a spiritual sense, I have committed a personal suicide. When I come to Jesus I’m sorry for my sins, I decide not to sin any more. He has forgiven me. He is resurrecting me. And I celebrated Easter for the first time in my life as a person who was dead and came back to life.”
In the spirit of thanksgiving, this girl came to Medjugorje on several occasions afterwards, and she said to me, “I can no longer live in this world that is just a world of sin. I desire to consecrate my life totally to Him. I would like to do penance for my sins and also consecrate my life for the sake of the youth of today.”
Now she is in the Oasis of Peace. That is a community that is fruit of the apparitions of Medjugorje. The people pray 8 hours a day. They work 8 hours and 8 hours they sleep. Every house has Perpetual Adoration.
I would like to emphasize what is Holy Confession for us. It is the desire of Our Lady that in order to be true Christian Catholics a believer must go to Confession more often. We are all poor and weak. Even when we don’t desire, we fall. We do fall on the path of life. Confession is for us Catholics, the path to peace. Therefore, he who wants to be sure of his salvation should always make a good Confession. One must die to sin to live for God. We should not fear anything or anyone. My emphasis is that it is not important what kind of sins we have. The most important thing is that we come to Him and pour out our hearts and give Him our sins. Then He forgives and gives us strength to be able to continue on in the path of life. Therefore, we should be thankful. And we should pray that everyone would open their hearts and accept the message of salvation.
Editor’s note: This year the Medjugorje Conference at Notre Dame will be held May 23-25. For information call 574-288-8777.
Fr. Kiel in Medjugorje
Examination of Conscience
By Father Bill Kiel
I. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
* Am I faithful to my daily prayers? What is my attitude toward God that allows me to neglect prayer?
* Do I participate in the prayers of the Mass, do I pray the prayers from my heart?
* Do I put trust in God's loving care for me?
* Do I read Scripture, so that I may know and hear Jesus and His Father?
* Am I angry with God? Am I afraid of God?
* Do I accept that God loves me? If not, why? Am I seeking to know God's will in my life?
* Am I unwilling or afraid to say "yes" to God? If so, why?
II. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
* Do I take my life seriously and live up to my responsibilities?
* Do I use the gifts God has given me for God's greater glory?
* Am I a prisoner of fear, anxiety, worry, guilt, or hatred of myself, showing a lack of trust in God?
* Do I allow my past to trouble me?
* Do I prudently plan for the future things that are within my choice and control and hand the rest to God?
* Do I thank God for all the blessings He has given to me? Do I take the credit for achieving what I have?
* Am I greedy?
* Do I employ behavior patterns that are destructive to my body, i.e. gluttony cutting, purging ?
* Do I use alcohol, drugs, food, sex for relieving my frustrations and anxieties?
* Do I have lustful thoughts that I dwell on?
* Do I use other individuals to satisfy my selfish pleasures?
* Do I plagiarize or cheat in my daily activities, i.e. academics, sports, games, relationships ?
III. In my relationships with others
* When someone has needed me, have I refused to help? If so, why?
* Have I shared what I have with those less fortunate?
* Have I failed to respect any family member, parents, friends or strangers?
* Have I failed to respect other’s possessions?
* Do I try to bring peace into my family life, social life, work life?
* Have I been patient with another's differences from me?
* Have I been tolerant with another's shortcomings?
* Have I talked in a negative way about others, and hurt them or their reputation?
* Do I hurt others for the intention of making me look good?
* Do I get angry with others and hurt them by what I say or do to them?
* Do I criticize and find fault with others?
* Am I nursing a grudge, have I not forgiven a person I know I should forgive?
* Have I not asked forgiveness from one I have hurt?
Editor’s note: Father Kiel is from Greensburg, PA. Father used the above Examination of Conscience at a healing Mass he celebrated at my parish and I asked his permission to publish it. Father told me that he sometimes makes changes to this as the Holy Spirit prompts him. Father believes he received his gift of healing in Medjugorje. We will hopefully feature his story in a future issue.
Message to Mirjana, February 2, 2008
Every year on February 2, Mirjana Soldo receives her apparition privately, alone in her room. This month, she was on vacation in Italy, and the apparition was also private. She transmitted the following message:
Dear children! I am with you. As a mother, I am gathering you, because I desire to erase from your hearts what I see now. Accept the love of my Son and erase fear, pain, suffering and disappointment from your heart. I have chosen you in a special way to be a light of the love of my Son. Thank you.
Mirjana’s Words
By Ana Maria Olivas-Flores
I went to Medjugorje October, 2004 on
pilgrimage for my father's intentions. In
November 2005, my father's request was
answered. I promised him that I would
return to Medjugorje for him again to give
thanks for his request being answered. My
father passed away on Jan 16, 2006, and I
did return to Medjugorje in May, 2006 to
honor his request.
Last time, we didn't get to see or hear
from any of the visionaries, but this time,
we were invited to the Blue Cross with Ivan
and the yellow room a few days later with
him and also one morning to Mirjana's home
with other English speaking pilgrims. One
thing I am grateful to is that they film and
put the talks on a DVD which we are able to
purchase. I love everything that Mirjana
talked to us about. I just thought I would
share a little of what she said on May
29th. I am writing it according to how the
interpreter spoke:
"When Our Lady gives a message to us
visionaries, personally for me, for
example, Our Lady does not explain that
message to me. Same as everybody else, I
also have to pray in order to understand
what God wants to tell me through that
message. When Our Lady says, bring back the
Bible into your families, the way I
understand is to open it every day and read
a few lines, doesn't matter how much, but
the Bible would really be present in our
homes and not to say that we have it, but we
never touch it.
“I would also like to recommend the
messages that are so related for me and that
are very important, especially in this time
of world events. Micky (her interpreter)
will read it to you and your guides will
provide it to you in English, because it is
important that you reflect on it on your own
through prayer. (The messages she referred
to are March 18, 2006 and April 2, 2006.)
Go to the Blue Cross, Apparition Hill, no
matter where, and try to understand through
prayer what God is telling you through these
messages, because I notice that we
individual people are not understanding the
same words the same way. That is why I
always say don't let others explain the
messages to you, you explain it to yourself
through your prayer. When you feel peace
within yourself, then it will be a sign that
you have understood God's wishes.”
When one is brought to Medjugorje, Our
Lady has specific things for each one of
us. I know that I went both times for
specific reasons, and both times Our Lady
showed me why She specifically brought me
there. It wasn't just to do what I had set
out to do for my father, but She also showed
me that She needed me for something more
than coming for my agenda. It was nice to
see and hear both visionaries, but what
Mirjana spoke about that morning had
messages specifically for me that Our Lady
wants me to do. It would take hours for me
to say all that is in the tape, but from the
first time I went, Our Lady has specifically
shown me that she wants me to pray for our
priests. Mirjana also talked about our
priests and now I know how to handle
negative comments that are made about
"Our Lady never said what they should do,
only what we should do for them. Our Lady
says: ‘They don't need for us to judge or
criticize them. They need our Love and our
Prayers,’ and Our Lady says: ‘That if you
lose respect for your priest, then you will
lose respect for your church and then for
dear God as well.’ Therefore, I always ask
for pilgrims, when they come to Medjugorje,
when you go back home, show within our
parishes how we should respect our priests.
If you think that your priest is not doing
the way you think they should do, do not
waste your time talking about that around -
you will cause bad to yourself and to those
listening to you. You better take the
Rosary and pray to God for him, fast for
him. That's the way, that's the way to help
and only dear God is the one who can judge,
because God judges in a different way. He
does it out of love. We do it in a
different way, and don't be like one madam
from Italy, that was talking to me for 1/2
hour about her priest, and when I finally
succeeded in getting a word, I said, ‘Well
obviously you've been praying for him a
lot!’ She looked at me as if I was crazy.
‘To pray for him???’ Then I said: ‘How do
you dare to judge him? Only dear God can do
that.’ "
Editor’s note: Ana Maria is from San Bruno,California.
Priests in Medjugorje
Chalice of Strength
By Carole Jones
There is a movement here in Michigan started
by some Carmelite nuns at Assumption Grotto
Church. They have a booklet called "Chalice of
Strength" for Priests, “ Pro Sacerdotibus-Crusade
of Prayer and Reparation.” It asks you to offer
your prayers, works and sacrifices on Thursday
as a chalice of strength for priests because
Holy Thursday was the day the Eucharist was
initiated. It gives special prayer to pray for
priests, bishops, cardinals and our Pope. You
can get a book by writing to them at Assumption
Grotto Church, 13800 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI
48205 (313) 527-1739.
A donation of 75 cents will help defray the
cost, but it isn't necessary. I am asking you
all if you would be willing to make some
sacrifice on Thursdays, for this worthy cause.
You don't even have to have a book, you can just
offer any offering, a Rosary, fast from one
meal, a short prayer, an invocation, anything
would be appreciated.
Confessional in Medjugorje
Spiritual Drano
By June Klins
As I looked down at my bathtub drain which was draining very slowly, I realized it was time to use the drain cleaner again. It seems lately I need to clean my drain about once a month because I have been blessed with very thick hair, which the Divine Beautician thins for me when I shower.
Suddenly it dawned on me that I have to clean my drain just as often as I need to clean my soul. Our Lady told the visionaries that there is not a man on earth who does not need to go to Confession once a month. Visionary Mirjana always jokes that She does not mention women, but of course, we know better. When we sin, it blocks the flow of grace, just like the clogged drain blocks the flow of water. Just as the drain cleaner cleans our pipes, Confession cleans our souls and the graces can flow again. I have noticed often right after Confession is when I am most filled with the Holy Spirit, when I do my best work, and that at that time I often receive many signal graces.
Our diocese has just opened a chapel in the big shopping mall here, and priests will be hearing confessions two days a week during mall hours. I love it!!! If people don’t go to confession, bring confession to them! Statistics show that 42% of adult Catholics never go to Confession and only 2% go once a month. The first day it was opened, our bishop, who consecrated the chapel that day, heard 50 confessions and declared it a success. To have Jesus in a shopping mall is just like when Jesus dined with sinners 2000 years ago. Nothing will stop the Good Shepherd from going after the lost sheep. How awesome that the gift of Confession, “Spiritual Drano,” has been made as easily accessed as a trip to the mall.
Statue of St. Joseph at Cenacolo in Medjugorje
Saint Joseph Never Tires!
By Sister Emmanuel
I made a promise to the tender spouse of the Mother of God to always mention him before his feast day (March 19***) so that more people may love him. Among the many graces he has gained for us, there is a very simple one that says it all about his good heart
Gaby M., 23, is one of our helpers in Medjugorje. As she had never really experienced St. Joseph's help when in need, we wanted her to realize what joy she was missing. Last December she heard that a very dear community she knew in France did not have a Nativity Scene for its chapel. The community was too poor, and they could not afford to buy one. But celebrating Christmas without a crib just isn't the same. Something big would be missing! When Gaby shared the situation of this community with us, we answered: “Pray to St. Joseph that he will give a Nativity Scene to them!”
“No,” she said. “It is not going to work. They want a scene with figurines eight inches high. It's too expensive and very rare.” “I see,” I said. “So you think that St. Joseph is nothing? You think that he is incapable of finding a Nativity Scene that size?”
“Well, I am just afraid it is not going to work, and anyway we are so close to Christmas.”
“Why don't you just forget your fear and persevere! Go for it! Ask St. Joseph to present them with the perfect crib. The one that is right for them. Better yet, why don't you draw it exactly the way it should be, and place the paper under his statue? And you will see the awesome power of St. Joseph.”
So she did. The drawing was placed under the statue with all the details. Two days later, she received a call from the same community. People had come to visit them bringing one figurine from a Nativity Scene. They wanted to buy the whole set for the community but wanted first to make sure this size was OK. “What figurine did they bring?” Gaby asked. “St. Joseph.” “How big is he?” “Around 8 inches, it is incredible! They brought just the right size for us!”
“That is St Joseph!” she whispered lovingly, dumbfounded by the swiftness and tenderness of this Saint! A few days later, the whole Nativity Scene arrived with the rest of the figurines, including the shepherds and a camel.
Children of Medjugorje,
*** March 19 falls in Holy Week this year, so St. Joseph’s feast day will be celebrated on March 15.
Jump on Our Lady's School Bus
By Annmarie Wright
To the readers of Spirit of Medjugorje, I recommend the book of the same name, volumes one and two. Each is unique in its own way. The first book took me back to the early days of Medjugorje and the excitement that everyone had over the events there. Included are many stories that had not been unearthed previously regarding some of the miraculous healings and stories of the pilgrims and villagers. The new book, "Volume Two," is a continuance of that excitement, but more, a continuation of Our Lady's call to holiness, to Her school of life.......I learn from every page I turn in this extraordinary book. “How?” you may ask. June has a gift to relay a story with an expectancy of a "grand slam" at the end. I find it ironic, that these books are compiled by a "teacher," an apostle of Our Lady, who is spreading Her messages in a truly awesome way. Everyone needs to be recharged by these stories, to jump on the "school bus" and let Our Lady lead you to Her Son Jesus.
Editor’s note: Annmarie is from Portland, OR.
You can read an excerpt from this book on our home page.
Thank you to Diane Yochim, Vickie DeCoursey,
Ruth Bonanti, Ruth Burick, Louise Lotze, Vilma
Smith, Agnes Trott and Joanne McIntire for help
with the mailing last month. Thanks to Joanne
McIntire, Julie Gorbatoff, Rudy D’Angelo and
Fran Stadler for making us more prayer cloths.
Also thanks to Wendy Ripple and Mike Golovich
for their photos in this issue. And thank you to
Michael K. Jones of Medjugorje USA for taking
the time each month to update this website. You
can visit his website at
P.O. Box 6614
Erie, PA 16512