The Spirit of Medjugorje Online
                                                                P.O. BOX 6614, ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16512

                                        EDITOR: JUNE KLINS    EDITOR EMERITUS: JOAN WIESZCZYK



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VOL. 25, NO. 03    Published Monthly    March 5, 2012


Current Monthly Message of  February 25, 2012



“Dear children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life for you. I encourage and love you, so that in God you may find your peace and the joy of living.  Thank you for having responded to my call.”



This Crucifix hangs on the outside of a shop along the street where Vicka speaks from her blue house in Medjugorje



If you would like a pdf of the printed copy we send out, email June at and put "March pdf"  in the subject line. Permission is given to reprint original articles in our newsletters, provided that no wording is changed and that "The Spirit of Medjugorje" is credited. To reprint articles from other sources we have used, permission must be obtained from that particular source.
(Sometimes permission is granted only to us for our use.)



St. Patrick's Intercession Leads Us to Discover Medjugorje

By  Darlyne Fujimoto

   Two years ago, it never occurred to me to associate St. Patrick with Christ, much less Mother Mary, Medjugorje and the Church. How the Lord works in mysterious ways, and how wonderfully He uses His saints to gather up His lost sheep. Here's how St. Patrick interceded and got the Medjugorje ball rolling for me:  I'd been laid low by a bad relapse of the virulent Fujian flu that had already claimed thousands of lives.  After feeling like a walking corpse for weeks, I was finally beginning to feel better. Although neither Catholic nor Irish, I thought St. Paddy's Day was a good excuse to celebrate my regained health.  After weeks of not having an appetite, the prospect of green beer and a corned beef and cabbage dinner was pretty darn appealing.
   But the LA traffic that day was notoriously bad, and my husband was late getting home.  Not one to waste time, I killed that time by "googling" green beer.  What was up with that tradition?  My search led me to a St. Patrick's website, and I read up on that fourth century saint who was born to British nobility, captured as a youth,  and enslaved by a cruel Druid chieftain to escape to become a priest and then eventually Bishop of Ireland, changing history forever.
   Little did I know then that St. Paddy was to forever change our histories – my husband's and mine.  While on the subject of St. Patrick, I vaguely recalled there was another saint that helped people to sell their houses.  No, it wasn't St. Anthony. I just couldn't remember. So, I “googled” the words “saint selling houses.”  Links to St. Joseph websites instantly popped up.
   Still no husband on the horizon, so I started perusing a web article on St. Joseph.  There was a list of links at the bottom of the page and one in particular caught my eye – something about Mary visiting Earth in present time.  It sounded like it might be one of those cheesey tabloid articles.  But heck, I had the time. Clicking on it,  I learned that She was appearing in a faraway land called Bosnia, in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere with an impossibly long and unpronounceable name starting with "M," and had been doing so for almost 23 years. I must say, I began reading the article with gigantic skepticism.  "I pray to Her Son... and how  is it that I don't  know this?"  Still no husband  and so I kept  reading.  The  more I read about  this  mysterious – and miraculous – place  called  Medjugorje,  the more  intrigued I became.
   Just then my husband pulled into the driveway and we took off.  We celebrated my recovering health with hearty "Cheers!"  over a pitcher of green beer and I gave no mind to what I had just learned about St. Joseph and  Mother Mary until two days later on St. Joseph's Day. 
   Via inner promptings, Our Lady soon invited me to go on a pilgrimage. "Come, come quickly. You are my 11th hour convert." A few days later, my husband was extended an invitation as well. Our calls were so clear and powerful, we went at the first opportunity. On a mountain in a distant land called Medjugorje, we were converted. Within a year, in 2005, we received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, and were sacramentally married in the Catholic Church, perhaps the least likeliest of the churches we would have considered joining.
   This month we will once again celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but this time with hearts filled with gratitude. For it was St. Paddy who pointed me in the direction of  St. Joseph, who in turn went out of his way that weekend to lead me to Medjugorje and his earthly spouse, Mother Mary, who in turn did  the job She was predestined for: leading Her children, especially the wayward sheep, to Her Son.

Editor’s note:  Darlyne lives in Cerritos, California. We reprinted this story because St. Patrick is our patron saint this year. This story is one of 40 testimonies in our latest book, I Have Come to Tell the World that God Exists. For more information see below.





This book will truly touch your heart and lift your spirits. Look what people have said about this new book:

“I am enjoying your book immensely. It's one of those 'very very hard to put down' books. I can just imagine the Holy Father burning the midnight oils in the Vatican apartment reading his copy you sent him!! It's no wonder he looks so tired lately!” ~ Judy from England

“Set aside a good chunk of time because once you start reading this book, you just can't stop! In a world of darkness, where everyone asks, "Where is God?" the answer is: He's right here, right now. He's with us, and He's definitely with the people who share their beautiful stories of miracles and hope in this book!”~ Donna  from Canada

“I brought it to work today and people are asking me where they can get a copy – please forward the information so that I can share.” ~ Kathy from PA

“Wow, my husband and I are nearly fighting over the book, can't put it down! I plan to get Volume I and II, also.”~ reader from Canada


“My mother finished your book and loved it!  I'm reading it now and it is truly wonderful.  In fact I'm going to recommend that the first- timers on our trip read it before we go.  It's a wonderful recap and source of info. that is must reading !” ~ Dennis from PA


I really love your new book.  I love reading a story every night and then thinking about it before I go to bed. ~ Carole from Michigan



Can be ordered from,, or most bookstores.  


Juanita and Gene with Vicka


Gene’s Medjugorje Experience

By Juanita Gerber

Gene Gerber died peacefully surrounded by family on November19, 2011. The following was read at his funeral.

   In 1999, Gene and I first heard of Medjugorje. Gene and I were discussing what to do for our 50th anniversary in 2000. One Sunday, we were in the vestibule before Mass, admiring the new St. Elizabeth Ann Seton statue, when Jack Higney, whom we didn't know at the time, came up to Gene and put a note in his hand.  It said to write to Wayne Weible for his newspaper on the “Miracle of Medjugorje.”  After a little prodding from Gene, I did that. I wasn't sure why he was so excited about it. 

   One day we received the little newspaper and Gene sat right down to read it. He read it for about 20 minutes and then said, "We need to go here." He had always said to me that he would never go to Europe, as he “didn't lose anything there” and he had no interest. I was dusting and I sort of glanced and said, "Yea, right," and then I looked at his face. He had a very serious expression on his face. I knew something wonderful was happening at that moment. Then I read the paper, and I knew that Our Lady was calling him to Medjugorje and I was going along.

   When Our Lady calls you to Medjugorje, things just start happening for you to be able to go, and at the right time that She wants you to go. We went during Holy Week of 2000. We went with Mary Sue and Larry Eck of “Medjugorje Magazine” on a Married Couple's Retreat Pilgrimage, which was perfect for our 50th anniversary. We got a special marriage blessing from Fr. Jozo, the priest who was present when the apparitions first started in 1981, as we held a crucifix together.

    We were able to look at the spinning sun in all its splendor of beautiful colors, as it looked like the host was in the middle of the sun to protect our eyes. The body of Christ on the cross of Gene's rosary turned from silver to a bright bronze color during one of the visionary's apparitions. We received so many graces and blessings there, and at the end of every day, we would say that if nothing else happened, we would be forever thankful for all the wonderful blessings of that day. Then, the next day would be so full of wonderment and graces. 

   Gene woke up very early every morning, excited to go, but I was wanting to sleep. The roosters crow all night there (which is a mystery) and I had trouble sleeping, but Gene just took his hearing aid out, and slept right through it.  Also, the birds chirp very loudly, but at the time of the apparition in the evening, they stop, and all are very quiet. Everyone and everything is completely quiet in spite of all the people who are there

   We went up Apparition Hill where Mary first appeared to the six children in 1981. There was an awesome feeling of peace there. We prayed for all the people who had sent prayers with us and many who didn't.

   We took our second trip to Medjugorje the last week of April in 2003. We stayed at Mirjana's, and came home May 3rd, after witnessing Mirjana's apparition on the second of May. At that time, Mirjana received her messages from Our Lady in a large tent. We were at the back of the tent looking toward Mirjana. When coming out of the area, we saw the Miracle of the Sun in a different way. First, a rainbow appeared at the top of the sun; then I saw that the people standing on the short wall along the path had yellow circles on their foreheads and faces; then I looked at the sky, and there were little dancing suns pulsating from the larger sun and shining on their faces and heads. I got Gene's attention to look at the sky and when he turned toward me, he had a yellow circle on his face and top of his head. It was so beautiful and peaceful and so hard to describe the feeling.

   We didn't make it up Cross Mountain in 2000, so Gene decided that, no matter what, he was going up Cross Mountain, which is much more difficult than Apparition Hill. It was very warm that day. Gene had just had carotid surgery in February, so I was a little worried about him, but I knew that if he made an effort, that Blessed Mother would help him. We had a little angel, Cynthia, in the group who insisted she stay with us and show us the way, as she had climbed the mountain numerous times. About the Third or Fourth Station, I saw that Gene's face was very red and I wasn't sure he could make it; but I asked him if he wanted to go back, and he said, "No, I came here to do this, and I'm going to the top." We stopped at each Station of the Cross on the way up and prayed, and I was praying for help. As we neared the top, it seemed to get easier and easier, and at the top, at the last Station of the Cross, we felt this very refreshing breeze and recuperation of body and spirit that is indescribable. We continued to the huge cement cross that the people of Medjugorje built many years ago by carrying cement up the mountain in buckets. We all rested for awhile and prayed. It took 2 1/2 hours to go up, and about half that time to come back down. We had a couple of angels watching over us to see if we were OK on the way down. We got cheered by the group when we got to the top and again when we got back to Mirjana's in time for dinner. Gene had accomplished what he came back to Medjugorje for – to show Our Lady that She led him to her Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. It was so amazing that we weren't tired when we got back, and we weren't even sore the next morning.

  I can't even begin to tell you all the changes, blessings and peace that have come into our lives. Gene was happiest when he was talking about Medjugorje and Our Lady. He just wanted to tell everyone we met, and it is very contagious. He told everyone, "Mary took me by the ear and took me to Medjugorje." We still had many crosses to bear, but we had more grace of acceptance, and will be forever grateful to Mary for “getting Gene by the ear” and taking him to Medjugorje. Now he can tell Her so.

Editor’s note: Juanita is from Ft. Collins, CO. She added: “As Gene became less and less responsive, the most he talked was to answer me when we prayed the Rosary. He received the Last Sacraments from our priest, who had been to Medjugorje and told Gene his stories about Medjugorje. Gene was so moved. He smiled and the tears just ran down his cheeks. Our priest told him that Our Lady would come for him. Gene acknowledged.”




Picture of Audrey Santo on her prayer card


Remembering Little Audrey Santo

  The following is an excerpt from a letter written by Deacons Anthony R. Surozenski and Dennis Cormier of the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts, who are members of the Little Audrey Santo Foundation for the promotion of the cause of Beatification and Canonization of Audrey Marie Santo.

   The Vatican approved the foundation and process, and on September 11, 2008, Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, bishop of Worcester, also approved a document for her cause.

   For those who may not be familiar with Audrey, here is a brief story of events: She was born on December 19, 1983. On August 9, 1987, she fell into the backyard swimming pool and was found floating face down. She was revived and taken to the hospital by ambulance and coded several times while en route. In the hospital she was administered medications that left her in a semi coma state which is called Akinetic  Mutism. In this state she was not able to speak or move, but her eyes were open and all other body functions worked. After several months in the hospital Audrey’s parents were advised to institutionalize her because it was the opinion of the doctors that she would not live too long. Linda, Audrey’s mother, refused to do that and instead, out of deep love, took her back home. They moved into a one level ranch style home and there Audrey was cared for by a team of visiting nurses and by her mother Linda and the Santo family members. She remained in their care until she passed away on April 14, 2007.

   Early on, Linda took her to Medjugorje in the hope that a healing would take place. It appeared as though God had other plans for Little Audrey. One strange event occurred while they were there. One evening a group of people began to shout outside the home where Audrey was staying. They shouted that the face of the American baby was in the moon. According to testimonies, this was exactly what happened. People were able to see Audrey’s image in the moon. Was this a prediction of future events regarding Audrey? Surely it was, for when she was taken back home a number of interesting things began to happen in the Santo household. Pictures and statues began to exude oil. The first picture to exude oil was that of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The first statue to bleed was that of The Good Shepherd. The first picture to bleed was that of St. Rita. Since that time and to this very day, many statues, pictures, and crucifixes exude oil. Tests performed on the oils revealed a large percentage of olive oil and a small percentage of oil unknown to science.

   Several Eucharistic events took place during Masses that were held in the home. On January 15, 1992, the late Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan witnessed the first bleeding host. Four others were found to be bleeding by Fr. George Joyce and on one occasion by Fr. Tom McCarthy and two priests visiting from India. Also, there is a chalice that contained white wine that was used during a Mass, but when the priest went to purify the chalice, the wine turned to blood. The blood is visible to this day. It appears to be dried at times and then congealed with sheen to it at other times.

   As recently as March 12, 2010 a diocesan priest consecrated hosts for Mass and kept one aside to be placed in a monstrance. When he placed it in the monstrance, those present saw a drop of blood appear in the center. Since that time, both deacons Surozenski and Cormier have seen the Host which now has a blood dripping stain in the shape of a comma formed in the Host. The blood of the other bleeding Hosts has been tested and came out positive for human blood and human species protein.

   Another interesting fact occurred during many Lenten seasons. Signs of Jesus’ passion became visible on Audrey’s body. She also experienced the stigmata. Once 3:00 PM. came on Good Friday, all visible signs disappeared.

   Audrey appeared to be a “victim soul,” for as people came in with their prayer requests of healing for various illnesses, Audrey would take on those illnesses and often visible signs appeared on her person. All events have been witnessed by professionals and documented.  

   When asked about what they felt this all meant, Deacon Surozenski and Deacon Cormier agree that this is another of God’s ways of manifesting the reality of God’s presence in the world. Also that the gift of life is precious at all levels and that only God has the authority to say when it is to end. They both believe that God has worked miracles through Audrey and is continuing to do so. It also reveals that love, in caring for one who was thought by experts to die within a few weeks, conquers all odds and that suffering can be eased by those who love one another. Both have witnessed the strengthening of faith in those who have visited Little Audrey while she was alive and even now after three[now five] years since she entered eternal life. Deacons Dennis and Tony feel honored and privileged to be a part of the cause.

For more information about Audrey please contact: The Foundation for the Beatification and Canonization of Little Audrey Santo, 64 South Flagg St. Worcester, Massachusetts 01602 To receive a cotton ball with some of the oil dripping from the statues, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address above. Email:   Website: Come worship and pray for Servant of God - beatification- canonization for Little Audrey Santo:


April 14, 2012 Little Audrey's 5th Memorial, 10 AM, Our Lady of Mercy Church, 341 June St., Worcester, MA 01602

April 15, 2012  2:30 PM, Christ the King Church, 1052 Pleasant St., Worcester, MA 01602



Very moving lifelike crucifix in the Oasis of Peace chapel in Medjugorje



By Father Angelus M. Shaughnessy, O.F.M. Capuchin

  What is the key to all good mental health (sanity) and all good spiritual health (sanctity)? Where do we learn to cope with the hurts of life?

…by all means, get the help you need from the medical profession….But, even after you have taken all your prescriptions, there may well be a big chunk of pain that persists. How do you deal with that?

   Focus on the Crucified! He will teach you to tolerate the pain (with or without the morphine drip), to accept the pain, maybe even to embrace the pain. The immediate goal is to accept the pain, yes even to embrace it, uniting it to His suffering on the cross; not that He will necessarily take the suffering away, but that He will be present to us in our suffering. ‘Offer it up!’ is the truly Christian way to cope with our hurts.

 Used with permission from the Spring 2011 edition of “Mother Love,” the newsletter of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers



Mirjana during her January 2, 2012 apparition


Mirjana’s Message on February 2, 2012

   Mirjana was in Naples, Italy for her February apparition, in a crowded stadium filled to the rafters!  According to Mary TV, approximately 25,000 people were present. Crowds started to gather at 3:00 AM for the apparition at 8:45 AM, and came from all parts of Italy, braving the snow and hazardous weather throughout the country. Prior to the apparition, Mass was concelebrated by more than 60 priests. 

"Dear children: I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God's presence and his infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him - and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes Heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you. Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen - those are your shepherds."




The First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Annunciation, on Apparition Hill


The Angelus

The following is excerpted from a homily by Fr. Larry Richards on December 18, 2011.  Father Peterson is the Spiritual Advisor for “The Spirit of Medjugorje.”

     For years, when I was with Father Peterson…before he was “Monsignor,” he was pastor in Union City, and I used to live with him, for a time.  When [Father] Pete was pastor, the parishioners didn’t like him because his rectory was always open – twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week – for street people.  So, the doors were never locked.  So, any kind of street person knew they could come and stop in the rectory to get something to eat and a place to sleep.  Even in Pete’s bedroom, he had a bed up against the wall; there were two other beds in the room, and there was a mattress on the floor.  It was always filled with people! I will never forget (this is the point!) there might have been ten of us at dinner, and we would be in the middle of it [when] all of a sudden the bell would ring for the Angelus at 6:00 in the church – dong, dong, dong – and people would start, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.  And She conceived of the Holy Spirit.  Hail Mary full of grace…”  And we’d do it all the time!

     It used to be that…on the radio, every morning at 6 o’clock, they’d play the Angelus. So interesting – how many of us have this ritual in our daily life? Wouldn’t it be great if, at your dinner table, in the middle of your family, every night when 6 o’clock comes, “Oh, let’s say the Angelus!”?  It takes less than two minutes.  It can be something you do instantly.  And what it reminds us is this – that Mary said, “Yes” to the will of God, and She brought salvation, and it was in the middle of Her day, and it was in the middle of whatever She was doing  She stopped and did the will of God.  So, if we could do that (most people here couldn’t do it at 6 o’clock in the morning, because you are still sleeping), at noon and 6 o’clock PM, [say] “Okay, I am going to develop this practice.  I will say the Angelus twice a day to remind me that what Mary did, I am also called to do.”  When Mary said, “Yes” to the will of the Father in the middle of Her life, She brought life…When we say, “Yes” to the will of the Father in the middle of our day, He will bring us life, and He will bring the world ‘life’ through us.  It is a very simple thing.

     If you don’t know the Angelus, you can look it up; it is very simple.  Put “the Angelus”…in Google, or Bing, or whatever your search is.  Or, there are cards; they are all over.  Decide that maybe for the new year, this will be a new thing you start in your life.  You say the Angelus two or three times a day.  You stop whatever you are doing to be mindful of God in the moment.  And, as Mary said, “Yes” to God and brought life, that you and I will be reminded, every day, in the middle of my day, throughout the day, we are called to say, “Yes” to God.

Editor’s note: Fr. Larry is a popular international speaker and best-selling author. You can visit his website, We thank Sara Snidarich for transcribing this homily.



Continue Fasting? Of course!

By Sr. Emmanuel

   Many pilgrims, with all their good will, started fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays, as Our Lady asked. Yet after some time, a few people gave up fasting. This is why we want to give here simple means to persevere in this excellent resolution. (Sick people are not requested to fast in the same way.)

   First, we know that by practicing fasting, we answer an urgent call from Our Blessed Mother, and this is something! Hasn’t she been coming to us for 30 years to draw attention to the best means to have true peace? We can already work on the conviction that fasting has great power over the enemy; it allows the soul to govern the body and not the opposite. 

   Some people say that it is difficult to persevere. Effectively, fasting requires some willpower. But what is more difficult? Fasting following the instructions from Heaven, (the Jews used to fast twice a week), or repairing the damages caused in us by the unbound enemy? Out of the two efforts, fasting is the easier one to manage! Dear Father Slavko used to say,       “When we have love, we find means. When we have no love, we find excuses.”

   On a practical matter, remember that it is necessary to drink a lot of water on fasting days. It prevents headaches among other things. Very cold drinks are not recommended since hot drinks are better for digestion.

   It is also healthier to eat whole-wheat bread, nourishing enough to give strength for working. The common white bread is not the best one, since the flour used has been processed therefore it is not very nutritious and it increases the blood sugar level. Integral or semi-integral bread makes fasting quite sustainable. 

   We are lucky to know a flour-miller near Ljubuski. We buy Organic flour from him in order to make our fasting bread. When time is short, we use a small bread machine that makes it in 3 hours. All you need to do is put the ingredients into the machine and the bread comes out baked.

   Here are two recipes that will help you fill your machine (a purchase that is definitely worth it!). In the 1st one, we added raisins and almonds for those who want a more nourishing bread, although these additives were not called for by Our Lady. But it is better to enrich the bread than give up fasting. With this bread, you will bless the days of fasting!


A) For a bread loaf of about 1.5 pounds (with dry fruits) in the bread machine. On cycle for wheat or Integral:

1+1/2 cup of whole grain flour;  2 cups of white flour;  1 1/2 teaspoon of instant dry yeast;  1+1/2 teaspoons of salt;  1/4 cup of raisins (any other dry fruit);  1/4 cup of almonds;  1/4 cup of sunflower seeds;   2 tablespoons of muesli;   1+ 1/2 cup of warm water;   1/4 cup olive oil (or another oil).

Place dry yeast, flour, salt, raisins, almonds, sunflower seeds, muesli, water, and olive oil in bread pan. Turn on and set bread machine. Add water if dough does not come together or white flour if dough sticks to sides of pan. 


B) For a bread loaf of about 1 lb (without dry fruits) in the bread machine. On cycle for Wheat or Integral:

1 1/4 cups warm water; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1 1/2 cups whole grain flour; 2 cups white bread flour; 3 tablespoons olive oil; 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast; 1 cup warm water.

Place dry yeast, flour, salt, water, and olive oil in bread pan. Turn on and set bread machine. Add water if dough does not come together or white flour if dough sticks to sides of pan. 

                                                                Children of Medjugorje, (November 2011 Report)




Marge and baby Nicholas


Prayer Cloth Testimony

By Marge Lee

   For the past twenty years, I have taken a 28-inch pilgrim statue of Rosa Mystica from home to home. The Blessed Mother has let me know that She must travel – and She has.

   So, in 2009, I went to pick up my statue from Grace in North Port [Florida], and she had eleven people present.  Among them was a mother, Lisa, who was 42 years old and pregnant for the first time in her long marriage with her 46 year-old husband. She was told that the baby had Down Syndrome, and that she should abort him.  She refused to do so.

   It was then that I started praying over her while both of us were holding the Lord’s prayer cloth made from an original from Medjugorje that contains human tears from  the Risen Jesus statue in Medjugorje. Then I got the strongest feeling that the baby would be okay, and I told her and everyone there. (I truly feel that it was at that very moment that the baby was healed of Down Syndrome by Our Lord.)

   In 2010, I again went to pick up my statue from Grace, and she had the same group waiting for me, and among them was Lisa with six month-old Nicholas – a very healthy baby, free of Down Syndrome. Praise and thank the Lord!!!  We were all so happy and grateful for Lisa and the baby, and we all prayed together many prayers of gratitude that day!    Editor’s note: Marge lives in North Port, FL. If you would like a prayer cloth for yourself or someone else, please send a self addressed stamped business size (4 1/2" x 9 1/2 " ) envelope with $.65 postage on it to The Spirit of Medjugorje, P.O. Box 6614, Erie, PA 16512.




Toil, Sweat  and Thorns

By June Klins

   Our Lady asks us to read the Bible daily. One time someone asked a priest, “If I go to daily Mass and hear the Mass readings, do I still need to read the Bible?”  He responded with a question, “If you eat breakfast every day, do you really need to eat lunch or supper?” 

   The person asking the question was not in love with the Word of God, but just trying to fulfill Our Lady’s request, which in itself is admirable, but Our Lady wants more. She wants us to fall in love with the Word of God because the more we get to know God, the more we will love Him; and one of the ways we get to know Him is through the Scriptures.

   I have been attending a weekly Bible study led by a priest, Fr. Mike, who is on fire to share his knowledge and love for the Scriptures. I thought I might share, from time to time, some interesting things I have learned in my Bible study, so to inspire you to also want to read the Word of God and thirst for more.

    St. Augustine said, “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.”   It is fascinating to discover the connections between the Old and New Testaments.

   In the introductory weeks of the Bible study, we looked a bit at Genesis in relation to the New Testament. Father told us that curses come with being unfaithful. For example, because of the sin of Adam and Eve, God said to Adam: “Cursed is the ground because of you! In toil you shall eat its yield all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it shall bear for you, and you shall eat the grass of the field. By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, until you return to the ground, from which you were taken”(Gen 3:17).  Father asked if these words – sweat, thorns and ground reminded us of anything, and the light bulb went on!  In the numerous times I have read this passage, it never occurred to me to associate it with Jesus.  It was like putting the pieces of a puzzle together!  Father said these words can be associated with Jesus when He reversed the curses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. When Jesus toiled for our salvation, He “sweat” blood on Holy Thursday; He wore a crown of thorns on Good Friday; and He was in the ground (rock-hewn tomb) on Holy Saturday! Wow!



Ivan’s Apparition in Kalamazoo, Michigan

   On January 31, 2012, Ivan spoke in St. Joseph Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was live-streamed on the internet by Mary TV. Ivan began his talk by also greeting all those connected through the internet: "My dear priests, my dear friends in Christ, and also in a special way, everyone who is joining us in prayer over the internet, I would like to greet all of you as well." 

   After his apparition, Ivan related: “Our Lady came very joyful and happy, and She greeted all of us with the greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children!’ After that, She extended Her hands over the priests present here and prayed over them for a longer time.  And after that, She prayed over everyone present here and She prayed for a longer time for those who are sick among us.  And after that, I especially recommended all of the sick present here to Her.  After that, Our Lady blessed us with Her motherly blessing and She blessed all of those things that you brought to be blessed.  And after that, Our Lady turned to all of us and said: ‘Dear children!  Today also I am calling you to personal conversion.  You be the ones who will be converted, and in your lives be witnesses.  Love, forgive and bring the joy of the Risen One to this world where my Son died, and where people do not feel the need to seek Him and discover Him in their lives. You be adorers of my Son and may your hope be hope to those whose hearts do not have Jesus.  Dear children, thank you again today for having responded to my call.’ I then recommended all of you to Her, all of your needs, all of your petitions, all of your families.  After that, Our Lady continued to pray over all of us here, and in that prayer Our Lady departed in the light and in the light of the Cross, with the greeting, ‘Go in peace, my dear children!’ "

   Denis Nolan of Mary TV said, “It has been confirmed to us by Church authorities that according to the Church's teaching, those who participate ‘piously and devoutly’ through our live internet broadcast will receive Our Lady's blessings during Her apparition –the same as those praying along with Her in the church.  And the religious items they have with them for Her to bless will be blessed by Her the same as the religious items placed right in front of Her in the church during her apparition!”  

    You can see Ivan’s talk on Mary TV will again be streaming Ivan’s apparitions on June 23, 24, and 26 in Medjugorje for the anniversary, and the same graces will be available to those who participate through the internet.   


Addition to Ivan’s Schedule  in the USA for 2012

For updates, go to


March 17  5:00 PM - 8:00 PM  St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, 1243 Hulsey Rd., Cleveland, GA 30528 Contact: Jack and Gail Boos 706-219-4508

April 20  5:00 PM - 8:00 PM   Sacred Heart Church, 260 Broad St., Wadsworth, OH 44281 Contact: Peggy at

April 29  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM  Corpus Christi Church, 324 Meetinghouse Rd., East Sandwich, MA 02537 Contact:

 Maureen  508-888-2740





Snow in Medjugorje

By Sr. Emmanuel

  . Snow over Medjugorje! For more than 2 weeks, apart from the chuch and its prayer program, everything has stopped in Medjugorje because of exceptional snowfalls. The school, the offices, the stores are closed, cars are not running (they rather resemble igloos), my sisters go to the Blue Cross on skis!! The village is now covered with a thick layer of ice. Even though the snow has caused unfortunate damages (among them, our tent collapsed under the excessive weight of the snow), the Lord has used it for beautiful things, especially inspiring some active mutual support.  These trials, unexpected and unplanned by men, make us realize how vulnerable our life on earth is, and how small we are! God allows it for our benefit, it pushes us to take the time to reflect over our life, its meaning and its goal.

   Who knows if this episode is not in fact a preparation, so that we may learn how to live more simply?! The advertising industry has made anxious people of us, never satisfied with what we have, it creates needs that don't in truth exist, and expensive ones at that! It holds us hostage to our addictions and attachments.

   Our Lady invites us to remain simple, even if this contradicts the "good looking" rule of appearances which reign in the world.  One day, we might be lacking things which today we consider essential, and not only for a few weeks during winter!  The Holy Family lived without running water or electricity, without mobile phones or computers… Are we ready? When God gives, it is a present; when He takes away, it is also a present.  Because then we thank Him for what He had given (which we took for granted) and we open ourselves to other gifts.  The word of Christ remains true:  “Seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all the rest will be granted to you in addition”. 

   We have experienced multiplications of food here amongst other things, many times!  It is a sign of what the Lord will do in the future, because He watches over His people; but He needs our trust.

                                                            Children of Medjugorje, (February 15, 2012 report)








Please continue to pray for Msgr. Peterson and Br. Craig. Thank you.














Our thanks to Cindy Bielanin, Louise Lotze, Barb Sirianni, Dianne Yochim, Barb Repasy, Agnes Trott, Joanne Warren, Kathy Luschini, and the Kibbe family for help with the February mailing. We thank Wendy Ripple, Joel Vidonish, and Mike Golovich for the use of their photos. And we thank our faithful proofreader Pat Berrier.



The Spirit of Medjugorje
P.O. Box 6614
Erie, PA 16512