The Spirit of Medjugorje

Medjugorje Message August 25, 2024

"Dear children! Today, my prayer with you is for peace. Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people. You be people of hope and prayer and of great trust in God the Creator to Whom everything is possible. Little children, may peace prevail in you and around you. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing that you, little children, may be joy for all those whom you meet. Thank you for having responded to my call."

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How I Converted and Found Jesus

     The following is excerpted from a testimony given by Mia Salazar on Fruit of Medjugorje (Episode #460, aired on 12/20/21) on To get the full effect of this powerful testimony we strongly recommend watching it.
     I grew up in a Catholic family. My grandma was religious, my mom was also religious, and my mom would bring my family to church almost every Sunday. But every time I'd go to church when I was a kid, I never really resonated or understood what the priests were talking about when they would talk about God. I felt like everything was going in one ear, out the other... I went to CCD, I had my first Holy Communion, and I had my Confirmation, and I also ended up going to a Catholic high school for four years, where I had theology class. But you would think I would know the Bible or have a relationship with God, or I prayed, but really I didn't... I didn't really have ears to hear what was being taught. I thought that God was just some mean, judgmental "man in the sky" who was telling you, "You have to do this, you have to do that." And I just didn't understand it.

Mary and a dove

     I never liked rules, growing up. I was always very kind of rebellious, so I didn't like to listen to rules, and I always got away with not listening to the rules, so I thought the same would go for God. I don't have to listen to what He's saying. He says not to do this – I can do it. What's going to happen? So, I decided to basically not follow God's will for my life and I decided to take my life into my own hands.
     So around senior year of high school (this was three years ago), I stumbled upon a video on YouTube titled "How to manifest anything you want using the law of attraction". At this point of my life, I was really kind of just bored and didn't have anything going on, so I was like, "This is perfect..." I clicked on this video and this girl was talking about how you work with "the universe" and he will basically grant your wishes and give you anything you want. ... I didn't have the foundation of God's Word, I didn't know that this is something God warned us to stay away from, and that life isn't about getting everything you want. It's about giving your life up into God's hands and that He'll just provide what you need. He'll give you what you need, not what you want. But because I didn't have that foundation, I was deceived. So, I started getting into this, and it was like the New Age spirituality. I wrote down everything I wanted in my life and I started talking to "the universe". I didn't call it God or Jesus. It was "the universe". And I thought, "Oh it's the same thing as God." But it's NOT...

"These were demonic spirits who performed signs" (Rev 16:14).

     Everything I wanted was granted to me, and before I knew it, I was into astrology and tarot cards and meditating... I did not know all this stuff was forbidden by God to do, because what it does is it opens up and invites demons into your life to mess with you, to be with you. But I didn't know. And everyone in my generation was doing it, too. ... It was all fine, it was all fun for a while. And then I started receiving these messages from these demonic spirits that I had allowed into my life. And they started kind of just whispering things to me, telling me this information, this "truth". And everything they were saying was completely the opposite of what Jesus shares in the Bible... The spirits were saying, "Hell isn't real, satan isn't real, you don't have to follow God." They told me reincarnation was real, all these false truths. And I started believing in them... I was completely being deceived. Before I knew it, I was so far from God. I wasn't even a Christian anymore. ...I was seemingly happy at this point, but I was super far from the truth, super far from God.
     And then one day – this was April of this year (2021) – and I was sitting on my bed one day, and the feeling of ...this overwhelming feeling of love and light just took over me... I felt like I was so close to God. I felt like I was being hit with the Holy Spirit. And I felt so much love and so much peace, and I started crying out of just love. I've never felt that emotion before. It was so beautiful. And I remember in that moment I said, "I feel so close to God, I feel Jesus is in me, I feel like God is with me right now." And that was the first time I have acknowledged Jesus my entire life, but specifically within the last year of being led so far from Him... It's almost like God showed me how much love He has for everyone, no matter if you are the most hardened sinner, if you're a criminal – it doesn't matter who you are. He loves everyone so, so much...



     It was as if ever since I acknowledged Jesus, everything that I had led into my life, all those demonic spirits that had entered me from dabbling into the New Age and the occult, they turned on me. They kind of revealed themselves to me as they were. I started getting demonic dreams, and in real life I would get just hit with extreme depression and anxiety and paranoia and disassociation and disconnection from reality. I felt like I was going crazy... I felt like I was living in hell. I was getting these intrusive thoughts of things telling me to do this to myself, do this to someone else, all these evil thoughts, evil feelings. I felt like there was just this gray cloud over me at all times, even if I was surrounded with people who were laughing and smiling. I felt like I was being tortured and tormented and I didn't know why. I was so confused, because I didn't realize this whole time what I had been doing is opening myself up to demons to come into my life, because when you go against God, He doesn't just say, "Don't do this, don't do that," for no reason, because He's mean – no, because He wants to protect us. He knows more than we know as humans. He knows what goes on behind closed doors spiritually when we sin and live a sinful life, especially when we dabble into the occult. I didn't know, so I was being just tormented every day.
     I remember going to my grandma who is close to Jesus, and I said, "I don't know why I feel so depressed and why I feel so terrible. I never felt this way before. I've always been so happy and I've never struggled with mental illness." ... And she told me, "Mia, you know there's two sides." (She knew I was into spirituality and stuff, but she didn't know how far I took it, how far gone I was.) She told me, "Mia, there's two sides to the spiritual realm: there's God, heaven, Jesus, angels, good, truth, and then there's demons, there is satan and there's hell and its deception. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light to come and deceive you. Both sides can give you everything you want. Both sides can give you gifts and wealth and money and love, but one of them is fake love, fake happiness and the other side is true love and true happiness and true joy.... You just have to make sure you know which side you're talking to."
     And in that moment, she planted such a seed in me because that's when I realized I had not been talking to Jesus. I had been into all this spiritual stuff, even astrology, but I had not once mentioned Jesus, so I realized – I thought, "Well I had good intentions with everything I was doing. I didn't mean to go against God, but really it doesn't matter your intentions. It doesn't matter if you don't mean to be going against Him or you don't mean to be dabbling, dancing with the devil. If you don't know you are, it doesn't matter. If you are going against God and living a sinful life, you are dancing with the devil... She told me in that moment, "Mia, if you get one of those thoughts again, or these terrible dreams, these terrible feelings, just rebuke that negative thought in the name of Jesus and they'll flee. They'll go away." ...So that's what I would do from then on out. I would have these terrible thoughts, terrible feelings, terrible dreams and in the dreams, I would rebuke them in the name of Jesus and they would go away. In real life, if I had a terrible thought, I'd rebuke it in the name of Jesus and it would go away. ...It was like I was in this spiritual war. It was like every single day I was just rebuking these thoughts, these feelings, in the name of Jesus and they would go away temporarily, but then they would come back...
     Eventually, it just got so bad, I was in my car one day and I called out to Jesus: "Jesus, I don't know what's going on, but You take care of this. I obviously don't know what I'm doing. I obviously can't fix this situation. You take care of it. I give my life to You. I'm so done trying to find it myself. I surrender my life to You. Use me as Your vessel. Use me in whatever way You want to use me, and let's see if You can get me out of this mess. Let's see what You can do."
     A few weeks later, my mom was going to Medjugorje for the first time on a pilgrimage and she asked me if I wanted to go with her. But at that point I was so just down and depressed, and I felt terrible, that I didn't want to do anything. My friends were asking me to hang out. I didn't want to hang out with them. When my mom asked me to go on this trip with her, I didn't want to go... So, she went alone with my aunt, and she was praying for me the whole time, which I didn't know. But the night that she came home from Medjugorje, I was home alone. I was feeling so terrible. And I randomly stumbled across this video on YouTube. It was this priest who was basically doing an over-the-screen exorcism. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this video, and I didn't even know that this was a thing. I didn't know that someone could have demons in them. And I didn't know you could cast, expel demons from people and I didn't know what deliverance was. But I just decided to watch this video for whatever reason. And he was casting out demons from witchcraft, demons from astrology, tarot cards, psychics, all the New Age stuff I was into. And as he was doing this, he was praying over me and I just started crying and yawning. I was yawning so much. I was shaking and I was sweating and I had all these manifestations from this prayer. When he finished this prayer...I felt like this weight has been lifted off of me and I felt like that dark cloud that was over me for months had just disappeared. And I finally felt peace again and love again. As I was crying...I realized that I had basically gone against God. It was almost like Jesus was showing me what I had done, how I had allowed darkness into my life. After this video was done, I felt so at peace and I remember praying, "Jesus, show me how You see me. I want to see myself as You see me. If there's anything that I'm doing that's not of You, please let me know."
     Then my mom came back from Medjugorje that night and she was just telling me about her trip and how amazing it was... She had totally just gotten so much more at peace since this trip. I was like, "Wow! Jesus is really the Truth. Jesus is amazing!" So, then I went to bed that night, and as I was going to bed, Jesus just showed me my soul as he sees it. He basically showed me that He viewed me and everyone as these like pure angels, like innocent little children... But then He showed me kind of what my sin had done to me and how I had made myself just completely not who He has created me to be – like I had ruined myself basically by dabbling into the occult and dabbling into the New Age. And it looked like just mud, like just dirt. All my sins were shown to me – they were just terrible. And I saw that it just ruined me completely. It had made me just a different person. And He showed me how I was going down such the wrong path, and it was in this moment He gave me a second chance at life. He turned me in the right direction. I knew in that moment that my life was never going to be the same... I knew that I needed to buy a Bible and confess all of my sins, repent of everything and just completely turn away from a sinful life. He also showed me in that moment all of satan's tactics that he used to his victims, especially for the New Age spirituality. And I just saw everything that I was doing as Jesus saw it, and I was mortified. But He showed me in such a loving way. He wasn't like condemning or anything.... He wasn't mean or judgmental or angry or anything like that. He was so loving: "Look how much I love you, but ... look at what you've done to yourself." ... I was like, "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, I am so sorry." And ever since that day I've never been the same.
     The next morning, I woke up and I ran to the church... I just went to Confession and I confessed everything. I repented of my sins. I asked Jesus to close all of the doors that I unintentionally opened from living a sinful lifestyle. I asked him to take away all my sins and He did.

Mia on Apparition Hill

Mia on Apparition Hill

     And then my mom was like, "I am going to go back to Medjugorje in September. Do you want to come for a pilgrimage?" I said, "Sure!" I wanted to go to Medjugorje. I felt like I should be there for some reason. So, we went and at first, I didn't really know if I liked it. I didn't really know if it was for me, but the more I stayed in Medjugorje, the more peace I felt in my heart, and I felt like I was walking in heaven on earth. It was this peace that I've never experienced and it's love that I never experienced, and I felt the Holy Spirit so much here every day. As I was getting ready to leave Medjugorje after one week of being here, I didn't want to leave. I was like, "Is there any way I can extend my trip?" But it didn't work out...but once I got home... I just felt it so strongly in my spirit that I just for some reason needed to be back in Medjugorje alone. I just needed to get back there as soon as possible and I didn't know why. But I listened to this Voice and I packed up my stuff and just moved to Medjugorje alone. I've been here now for this past month and I'll be here for however long I am led to be here for. It's been so amazing and there's been such a work in my heart being done and I've just had so much peace and so much love. I realize that Jesus really is the truth and He is love and He is light ... He really just wants a relationship with everyone. He just wants to be everyone's best friend. He wants to guide you, to protect you, and when He does convict you of your sins, ...He just kind of gently tells you, "Hey you should probably not be doing this, look what it's done to you. Let's turn away from that." He's so gentle, so patient. My life has changed completely...

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