The Spirit of Medjugorje

Medjugorje Message February 25, 2025

"Dear children, May this springtime be an encouragement for personal conversion for you, that with your lives you may pray and love God above all, for all those who are in need. Little children, be my hands of peace and prayer; be love for all those who do not love, do not pray and do not want peace. Thank you for having responded to my call. (With Ecclesiastical approval)"

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The Virgin Brings a Message that Focuses on the Fallacies of this World

     The following is excerpted with permission from the book, Twilight of Marxism: Medjugorje, The Downfall of Systematic Evil, and the Fulfillment of the Secret of Fatima by Dr. Thomas Petrisko. Ivan, like Ivanka, is quiet and enjoys solitude.
     By the second year of the visions, Ivan entered a seminary, but found it was not God's will for him. Right from the beginning, though, he says he realized the seriousness of the apparitions and tried to use them to truly better himself on a consistent basis.
     He quickly developed a devoted prayer life, and his words, in a certain way, give any listener a keen insight into Mary's mission at Medjugorje in ways that are different from the others. There was a rumor that the Virgin Mary had shown Ivan his future right up until his death, but he has repeatedly explained that this was not true and just a misunderstanding.
     The Virgin, says Ivan, brings a message that focuses on the fallacies of this world. Materialism is destroying the beauty of God's great gift of life, and people are living lives that lack order and proper direction. Strong prayers are the remedy, he emphasizes, and that is why Mary has come to Medjugorje - to tell and teach the world about the power of strong, faithful prayer.
     Through prayer, the Virgin Mary has greatly helped Ivan when he is experiencing temptation. He now knows his weakness and God's strength. Prayer has taught him to rely on God's strength to change, especially old habits. One, however, must decide to pray and then concentrate on the prayer, he reminds his listeners.
     Ivan especially understands how sin deprives one of eternal love. If we knew how much God loves us, we would never sin. Sin, he stresses, wounds us so much that we become unaware of God - we refuse His love. It's in the Eucharist, therefore, that we receive the armor to resist sin. We should try to make the Mass the center of our lives and receive the Eucharist daily, he suggests, if we can.
     It is Satan, Ivan reminds his listeners, that tells us that we are not good enough, or that our prayer is not good enough.
     Because of Satan's influence today, Mary is very concerned about the youth of the world and family life in general.
     The world, Ivan repeats often to listeners, offers the youth only drugs, alcohol, and immorality. This causes great suffering for the youth; it ruins their lives and destroys families. It also causes a high divorce rate. Divorce, Ivan says, is a product of sin. Wherever there is divorce, there is sin. And, he reminds, wherever there is sin, there is Satan.
     In interviews, Ivan has spoken of the following:

Ivan in 2019

Ivan in 2019

  • There is an "awareness” blindness that people develop. People often attach great importance to other people, certain material objects or status in life, such as homes, automobiles, or social and professional positions. As they go through life, these things become proportionally greater and greater until they devour a person's awareness of them. If that happens, they are no longer able to experience peace and joy. Many people are suffering from this illness. They die of hunger from these things.
  • Sin is often the result of strong temptation and weakness.
  • God expects parents to help and guide their young. The parent's first job is to create a loving environment of respect for one another, one that children can see. If there is little love or respect between parents, a child's spirit is sickened. It creates a perfect atmosphere for Satan to work in.
  • Prayer groups should pray for world peace. They should pray for the sick and the abandoned, the born and the unborn, the hungry and the homeless, the poor and the lonely. They should also try to do corporeal works of mercy.
  • Mary desires all people to be in prayer groups and to fast. Prayer, without fasting, he says, is like a soldier with one leg in battle. One is more easily defeated by Satan.
  • The call of the Blessed Mother in Medjugorje is to change hearts. If you change hearts, you change society. The Virgin Mary promises that where families pray together, there will be harmony and unity. It is a process that must start when children are babies. When children are grown, it can often be too late.
  • The authority of parents must rest on love. Parents must restrict the freedom of their children out of love and an awareness of Satan. Children must obey their parents out of love. Sacrificial love brings extraordinary blessings from God for parents and children.
  • The Virgin Mary says that three generations in one household is very pleasing to God.
  • Mary is the Mother of all people. She is calling from Medjugorje all her children on Earth.
  • The family is greatly threatened by the disease of materialism. Families blame work for having no time to pray together. This is often the excuse. But it's really a lie, one that many people are living.

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