The Spirit of Medjugorje

Medjugorje Message January 25, 2025

"Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call. (With Ecclesiastical approval) "

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A Love That is Stronger Than All the Evil in the World

     The following is excerpted with permission from the book, Twilight of Marxism: Medjugorje, The Downfall of Systematic Evil, and the Fulfillment of the Secret of Fatima by Dr. Thomas Petrisko.
     The Virgin Mary has been dictating the story of her life to Vicka. Thus, to say the visionary knows Mary and her message is probably an understatement.
     Like Mirjana and Ivanka, it's clear: it all comes down to doing God's will - and according to Vicka - that comes down to the Commandments, the Bible, and prayer.



     Mary has been teaching Vicka especially about God's love - a love that is stronger than all the evil in the world, all the temptation in the world. God's love, she says, is what will lead the world to peace and joy, even in the midst of great suffering and temptation. And the Virgin Mary, adds Vicka, is the perfect example of living this love. Mary is the perfect mother, sister, and servant of God, she is able to teach us about Him.
     Vicka says Mary wants all people on Earth to have faith in God. She wants them to know that He is with His children day and night, cares for them, longs for them. God calls to us in the wind, says Vicka, and in the words of Jesus…. He is calling the world now in a special way at Medjugorje.
     Vicka has told many that to experience God's gifts is to experience God. Through prayer, she has learned that every person on Earth lives their whole life right before the face of God Our Father, surrounded by His angels and Saints. Everything that comes upon her path every day, Vicka now knows, comes from the Father. He wills it. He allows it. Her only choice is to accept it. She must trust, she says, that God is her Father and that He loves her no matter what.
     Vicka wants everyone to know that at Medjugorje, Mary is especially asking for the family Rosary. It will renew the family; the Virgin has told her. Moreover, parents must pray the Rosary for their children, she says, and children must pray it for their parents. This is because the Rosary is the chain that binds generations to eternal life. When families pray the Rosary, Satan is helpless.
     Most significantly, Mary told Vicka that people who are serious about their prayer will change through prayer. This is because prayer and fasting is the one sure way to God, who can bring the desired change no matter what.
     In interviews, Vicka has revealed the following:

  • Prayer and fasting open our eyes to truth. Suffering also opens our eyes to truth, but often by the time the suffering comes, it is too late to eliminate the cause.
  • Some people's lives and choices expose them to more sin. They need to go to confession often and, for them, the way is harder.
  • Prayer is the key to the Heart of God.
  • When God permits a great suffering, we need to accept it with love. The Virgin says God has a reason He has given a person a suffering and knows when He will take it away. He only asks patience. That is why we should never say, “Why me?” The suffering is a gift, and out of love, we should ask God if there is something more we can do for Him.
  • The Virgin told Vicka that priests must protect the faith. They need to pray the Rosary with their people. Faith is a precious gift but it takes work to protect this gift.
  • Prayer, fasting, and penances, like suffering, are like a mantle that covers those with no faith. It is what the Blessed Mother wants from her followers. It is a total surrender to God's will. The Virgin seeks those who will pray and fast and do penance for those who can't or won't.
  • If we voluntarily break the Commandments through ignorance or weakness, it gives Satan power over our lives. It then takes God's grace, and our cooperation, to rescue us.
  • The Virgin Mary says the Mass needs to take first place in a person's life. At Mass, Jesus comes to us in [a] physical way. It's the most sacred, holy moment…

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